Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bleach:The Spirit World Chapter 1-Intruders!

Rukia had to leave us all... she wanted to protect us from getting killed by the Soul Society. But why? Why did it have to be her? Ichigo was hurt the most. "Ichigo had to suffer all cause of Rukia!" Jannie yelled with tears down her face. "Jannie-chan..." 

I felt sadness too I was very close to Rukia. She even taught me how to be tough. She taught me things of happiness.... she even taught me some moves for fighting. I cried with Jannie that night that Ichigo had been hurt we both knew we had to save her. We had planned to go save her and nothing will stop us! Not even the Soul Society...!

 The next week we were ready to leave but... I felt a familiar like I been here before. "Let's go!" We ran thru the gate all together. Jannie felt something grab me like a white hand. "B-Brittany!" Yoruichi stopped seeing I was being pulled into a different gate. "I knew this would happen..." Ichigo gasped looking back at me. "Brittany!"

 I looked around scared feeling the hands pulled me out of the dankai. "She going to the Soul Society... we must hurry!" "W-What?! Why would they..." Yoruichi shook her head. "Its not them... its the gate. Her Mother was able to pass it and enter the front gate. 

I am sure all the soul reapers will notice her." Ichigo bit his lip. "Damn!" He ran with the others again. Jannie ran next to Ichigo. I felt I landed in a hot spring while I couldn't move after landing. "Captain there been a intruder!" "Where is it?" "In our barracks but she is outside in the hot springs sir." He gasped moving out of his chair. "Let's go Rangiku!" "Yes sir!" 

He left with Rangiku moving outside of their barracks. "Sir a girl...she." He pointed to the hot springs seeing I was knocked out. "All squads look around." "Yes!" They all left. "Rangiku you join them." "W-What about the girl?" Toshiro looked at Rangiku serious. "Go!" "Yes sir!" She left worried that he may kill the girl. She is a intruder but... could Captain be cold hearted? Toshiro moved up to the hot springs seeing a girl laying there so still. 

He gasped seeing me laying there. I moved my body so my back was turning to Toshiro. "Toshi...kun." His eyes widened shocked that only one girl called him that. "Could she be...?" He reached his hand to my back moving me to lay on my back. "Captain no other intruders!" "T-Thank you. She isn't awake so let's lock her up." He said walking away from me. "Y-Yes sir!" Rangiku came back happy to see I was alive. She felt as though that girl was a angel, from heaven. 

The squad picked up my body taking me away to the cell. Toshiro watched me go with them. He had a feeling I was in his past only that girl called him by that name. She... "Good work Captain Hitsugaya." "Thank you Head Captain." He said bowing to the head captain. "Seems she went through our gate... unnoticed." Toshiro eyes widened in shock. "B-But how?!" Yamamoto moved out of his chair. "I don't think she is of the Haku's but we shall keep her alive encase she is." Toshiro bowed to Yamamoto. "Yes sir!" He left out of the room thinking if I was, then he for sure know that I be the same girl in his past. 

I opened my eyes seeing I was in a cell with a guard standing by. He seemed to be not watching me at the moment. I noticed I had handcuffs on my wrist, feeling I couldn't summon any spirit energy. "Excuse me?" The guard turned around looking at me. He gasped surprised I woke up. "W-Where am I?" "In our cell." Toshiro walked in the cell in his squad barracks seeing I was awake. "We found you knocked out i-" Toshiro touched his shoulder. "I will talk to her you may go on break." "Y-Yes sir!" 

He left with his face blushing. She is so cute... I wish we could let her out. Its like locking a bird in a cage. I looked at Toshiro feeling scared but I almost forgot. I came here after I landed I must of been knocked out and... Toshiro looked at me. He watched me for a long time while he leaned against the wall. "Who are you?" I looked at him seeing he leaned against the wall. 

"O-Oh! I am...well. A intruder." "I know that!" He yelled. "Well... you must be a Captain just like...well he isn't a Captain more his power is like yours." Toshiro looked at me shocked. "And this person... is here?" I couldn't know if he came here all I know is that I got separated from my friends. "I got pulled into another gate and all I remember is waking up here." 

"I see. Well we are keeping you here till we can find out more information." He moved away from the wall. "I will have them bring you some food right away." "I-I can eat?" He stopped turning to look at me. "Of course! We wouldn't let you starve." He walked away with his face being red. I watched him leave hoping he can come again. He seemed very serious almost as though he was lonely... The guard came back inside after that captain boy left. "I never got his name..." "That was Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, he is a snow/ice zanpakuto user. I heard he is cold like ice..." 

"I see. I really do hope I can talk to him again!" I said excited to hear his voice or even hear him be angry. The guard laughed softly smiling at me. "I don't see how you can be the enemy your too sweet." Im sweet? I touched my face confused what he meant. No one has said that to me before! Toshiro came back with the tray of food. "Can you open the door?" I ran up to the bars seeing the food. It had a bowl of soup with a biskit. "Toshiro you came back!" "W-Who told you my name?" I pointed to the guard. "Sorry... she wanted to know." 

Toshiro sighed looking at me. "Yes my name is Toshiro Hitsugaya. What is your name?" I looked at Toshiro while I smiled. "My name is Brittany Haku." The guard gasped staring at me in shock. "Brittany Haku is my name! Nice to meet you Toshiro-kun." Toshiro was shocked that they have found the last Haku family line. He has to be sure. He can't let Yamamoto know or they may run tests and that scare her even more. But... if she is the last line of the family, could she be the girl from his past too? 

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