Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 4-Night Out

Toshiro carried me in his arms moving on roof to roof, till he came to Orihime’s apartment. Roxy was drinking sake with Mina. “You…guys!” He walked up to Fufu. “I need my body back.” Fufu smiled standing up. “Yes sir.” He told Toshiro looking at me. I smiled at Fufu thinking he is very cute mod soul. Toshiro touched in his chest grabbing a small green pill. 

The body of the gigai fell being lifeless. Toshiro put the pill in his pocket. He moved his body in the gigai slowly sitting up, his eyes opened. He was wearing a black t-shirt with light, tan pants. “Are you ready?” Mina smiled at Toshiro. “Going on a date?” Toshiro blushed feeling like he has to explain everything to them. “NO! I am just taking her out to eat.” “Yes a date.” Roxy handed me a condom. 

Toshiro shook his fists. “We, aren’t dating now you guys behave!” He grabbed my hand leaving out of the room. I smiled walking with him holding the condom in my hand. “Toshiro, what should I do with this?” Toshiro looked at the condom feeling like he should distance himself from me. “Give me it.” I handed him the condom. He turned it to ice throwing it on the ground. “We don’t need that we just are going out to eat.” “Yes of course!” 

I walked next to him looking up at the moon that shined in the dark, sky with the little lights from the stars. We walked in the town seeing many stores but Toshiro watched everyone to make sure no one tried to hurt me. We saw a restaurant which was very expensive. “This is the place I want to go.” Toshiro saw it was a big building with many people around but he knew he could pay for it. 

“Alright let’s go.” He walked up to the building with me. He moved his hand out to me. I stared at his hand seeing he wouldn’t go in without me holding it. I moved my hand up to his. He moved his fingers in between mine feeling his heart race. He didn’t know why…it was just to eat food. I felt his heart beat it was so fast that mine wanted to race with his. 

We walked in the store to be greeted by nice people. “Welcome!” They took us to our seat it was in the back with not many people. “Miss, Haku please let us know how the seating is we had you not be near anyone and this is your own place.” “Thank you.” I said smiling at them. We were in our own private room where the windows were black where no one can see inside. But also we could order and take our time. “Haku’s… do they own a lot of places here?” 

I nod my head slowly staring at Toshiro. “Yes… they own most of the cities here even the hotels by my house down by the ocean.” Toshiro eyes widen staring at me. “I see.” He thought to himself that he is with the most important girl here but she seems more important here and in the Soul Society. I ordered a cup of water  waiting for what Toshiro wanted. “I would like a cup of green tea please.” 

“Yes sir.” The girl left leaving to go get our drinks. “So, your bankai is very strong isn’t it?” “Yes, us captains use it against our enemies the arrancars are to be strong even, we do not know how strong yet.” I looked down at the table wondering if I can help. “Do not feel sad.” He told me having his hand on the side of his face. “I will train you to control your powers then. 

You will be able to protect us or even fight by my side.” He blushed imagining me by his side just as Momo use to be. His blush was so cute! I thought to myself wanting him to blush even more. “Are, you thinking of a friend?” “Friend?” “Momo-chan.” He gasped looking at me shocked in his eyes. “She seems very important to you. Could she be…?” “NO!” He slammed his hands on the table, moving his body to stand up. I was scared he yelled at me. “Sorry.” He moved from his spot being in front of me. “Toshiro…?” “I didn’t mean to scare you just she is a friend of mine, nothing special.” He moved his hands up to my face, feeling my face was soft but he felt something wet. Tears…she was crying?

 I wiped my tears away feeling the tears wouldn’t stop. Why was I crying? Did he scare me too much? Toshiro looked around making sure none of the waitresses would come in. He leaned down moving his arms around me, with his arms around me feeling I was shaking. “I didn’t mean to make you cry I’m so sorry I never wanted to make you cry.” 

I cried in his chest feeling like the tears won’t stop. The two girls waited seeing I was crying. “Is, that him sis?” “Yes, it’s Toshiro Hitsugaya.  The captain from squad 10.” She replied staring at Toshiro. Toshiro knew that the girls knew who he was so he shouldn’t expect much, since this place is owned by the Haku family. They came back with our drinks moving the water in front of me. 

“Please don’t cry Miss Haku.” “Emmy, I am sorry.” Emmy smiled looking at her sister Star watching Toshiro. Star smiled at Toshiro before they left out of the room. I blinked my eyes confused looking at them leaving the room. “They know who I am. It is because your family owns this and they aren’t human.” I looked at them both shocked that they were like Toshiro a spirit being.

 “Then… they are like you a spirit from the Soul Society?”  “Yes but do not fear, they do not intend to hurt you.” He grabbed his cup of tea moving it up to his lips. “I see.” I said moving to grab the cup of water. I stopped remembering my lost control power afraid I scare everyone again. Toshiro sensed my energy was going up like last time. “Don’t be too hard on yourself alright?” 

He moved the cup down, moving his hand up to my chest. “I will help you I promised you that.” He said in a serious tone. I believed that he meant it, he meant every word. “Thank you.” I moved forward kissing him on his forehead. His face turned red feeling my lips against his head. “I can’t wait till we continue our training.” I said happily wanting to be able to control my power.

 He smiled watching me be happy made him want to smile. He didn’t know why but…he wanted to watch her smile. I ordered some mac n cheese with some hot dogs. Toshiro ordered some ramen watching me the whole time he didn’t want to watch anybody else. I noticed Toshiro was staring at me like a cat watching someone with their eyes glued on to you for a very long time. “Y-Yes?” I asked him feeling his stare didn’t go away. “I have to make sure you are safe, you are very important to us.” 

He did want to say important to me too but he knew that scare me. He just met me and to have feelings like this. Or maybe he loved me out of first sight…? I felt like we were dating more than just him doing his job. Why, do I keep seeing him in the past with a girl? “I feel funny with all these images and dreams of being in this old village…” Toshiro eyes widen in shock knowing that he saw the same thing with Momo but it was of her being younger. 

“You…have the same images?” I gasped looking at Toshiro surprised that he have the same images, I mean he never told me but maybe that’s why he is helping me even more. He seems happy he wants to protect me so that smile earlier that was… “Toshiro was happy to protect me. Did you really want to protect me and train me because of these images?” He smiled knowing he couldn’t say no but he also did it because it was his job, but the more he stayed with me the more he wanted to see me smile or laugh. 

“I did do it as my job but now…I want to see you smile or laugh. I want to help you with anything you need Brittany I am very happy to have met you, even in that classroom I am happy now.” My face turned red hearing him say that but I felt the same way and for some reason I was happy meeting him, even hearing that I wasn’t meant to be here I was scared but he helped me not be scared no more. 

“Thank you Toshiro-kun.” He blushed looking at me with a smile on his face. “You’re welcome Brittany.” Our food came soon after wards and we stopped talking to eat our food. Toshiro knew that the arrancars show up but when will that be? He had to protect me with all he has and he hopes it is enough. He never wants to see her covered in her own blood not like… He remembered Momo was stabbed by Aizen and lying on the floor with her eyes blank, with her own blood. 

She looked like she died that day and he could never forget Aizen’s words. I was eating my food tasting the cheese in the macaroni that I ate. “Is that…good?” He asked seeing I was eating it very fast and was saying it was good after each bite. “Yes! I love the cheese it’s so good.” I told him moving a piece on my fork. “Want to try some?” I leaned forward moving the fork up to his lips.

 Toshiro opened his mouth slowly waiting for me to give him the food wanting to know how it tastes. I moved the fork in his mouth seeing he ate the noodle slowly letting the fork go. I slipped in my seat falling down slowly feeling that I let my fork go. Toshiro swallowed the noodle slowly moving very fast; with his arms around me he caught me before I hit the ground. 

His arms were around me holding me against his chest. I felt like I was going to faint being this close to him I felt like I could just close my eyes and sleep.  He held me this close before when running but this…is different. “Are you okay?” He asked feeling his heart beat in his chest wouldn’t stop. Even being a spirit he still had feelings of when he was human and he really wished he could be a human but then he couldn’t protect me from hollows.

 I nod my head moving my arms around him feeling like I didn’t want to let him go. Toshiro heart was beating faster feeling like he could break if he let me go. “Can, you carry me like this?” He smiled nodding his head. “First we got to eat.” I moved on my feet moving my hands away from him. “Sorry you must of felt funny being touched by a human.” Toshiro face turned red moving back in his seat.

 I started to eat my food feeling nervous to leave now that I asked him to carry me like that. Toshiro looked at my mac n cheese loving the taste from the cheese. “I loved the food that you gave me.” He said eating his ramen with the chopsticks. “You want to get some next time?” Toshiro didn’t know when he will come back but if he did, he wanted to come here with me. We finished eating moving to get up out of our chairs. Toshiro left money for the bill on the table. “Ready to go?’

 “Yes I am ready.” I told him leaving out the restaurant with him. We left moving outside seeing small flakes of snow.  “Snow it’s snowing Toshiro!” He blushed seeing I looked beautiful with the snow like a snow angel. I felt a uneasy feeling, feeling a dark energy near me. Toshiro moved me out of the way landing on top of me. “Toshiro?” 

He saw a hollow almost would have smashed me in two. “Stay here.” He took out his green pill knowing he had to fight them all. “I want you to stay by Fufu’s side do not leave him you understand me?” I nod my head once. He was serious about this, he seemed like he wanted to protect me.

 He ate the green pill moving out of his gigai he was back in his robes. “Fufu protect Brittany with your own life.” “Y-Yes!” Fufu moved his arms around me running away from Toshiro at a very fast speed. I was worried Toshiro get hurt but he is a captain. I am sure he be alright… Toshiro please be alright. Please… Toshiro-kun.

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