Friday, December 30, 2011

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 5-Hollows

Toshiro moved in the sky seeing the hollows were in a pack. “So many of them.” He grabbed his sword handle pulling the sword out of his sheathe. “Hyorinmaru!” He called out a name having an ice dragon come out of the sword moving down at the hollows. I noticed more have come from a black hole that appears in the sky. “So many…I want to eat them.” “Fufu…I don’t think they taste good.” Fufu noticed a hollow was near. “You’re not hurting my onee-sama!” 

He moved his leg kicking the hollow back. I noticed the hollow fell into some trees landing near Toshiro. “Guess I kicked him too hard.” Fufu sat down behind the bushes next to me. I watched Fufu knowing he was very strong as a mod soul. I never knew how strong…but it was scary. Toshiro felt tired trying to fight all of them off. 

He noticed none of them went after me but if he keeps going he needs to use his bankai. But to use it against weak hollows like this… he used some of his energy when training and he wasn’t prepared. I felt a larger energy coming up from in the sky, it had the sky cracking like glass that has been in too much high pressure. “That’s not good!” Fufu looked up at the sky seeing it cracked opening with a large hollow. Toshiro gasped seeing a Menos come out. “Damn… I can’t do this forever.” 

“Menos…onee-sama we have to run and leave Toshiro behind.” “I can’t!” I remember his promise to me that he would help me restore my powers but…what can I do? If only I learned how to control it sooner I could protect him. Toshiro noticed five Menos had cero’s pointing at him and he felt too weak to move. “Damn it!” “Growl…Haineko!” Rangiku yelled causing a ash like mist cutting some of the hollows down. “Captain run!” 

Toshiro used his last strength moving out of the way moving to where Fufu and I was. “Toshiro, are you okay?” I asked seeing his robes were ripped with some cut wounds on his chest and his face. He is hurt…! "I am alright Brittany..." He looked at me with his lips into a smile. He did not want to worry me, not the one he wanted to protect. Toshiro looked at Rangiku. “Rangiku where is Momo?” She pointed up in the sky seeing Momo was doing a spell. 

Momo shot a red light at the hollows causing them to be burned by her spell. “Good work Momo!” Toshiro knew all that was left were the Menos that he could have killed them if they came first. “Alright let’s all finish them off!” “Yes Captain.” Fufu moved in front of me looking around to make sure no hollows were around. 

“Tobiume!” Momo called out her sword; it had smaller blades come out of the side with the one blade. She had a fire come out from her sword moving it at the Menos. The fire ball hit the Menos causing a small smoke. Toshiro came out of the smoke slashing at the Menos being in his bankai form. “Daiguren Hyorinmaru!” He had those wings again with a dragon, ice tail on the back. He was a like a dragon but it was ice. Rangiku used her mist at the Menos having it cut on its arms and stomach. 

Momo landed on the ground watching the Menos follow her. “He is too big…” Momo felt his hand at her while she had her fireball moving in front of her and his hand. “Oh no!” I ran over to Momo moving in front of her. “Momo-chan!” I felt a ice barrier in front of me stop the Menos from touching her, the Menos growled out in pain feeling his body was turning to ice. Momo noticed the Menos was not attacking her no more. “Brittany….when could you do that shield?” She asked being surprised. “I learned it a while ago just I wasn’t able to control it very well.” 

She was happy I could control my power a little, even if it was little by little she could see I can do it if I really tried. “Good work Brittany and thank you for saving me. The Menos in front of us broke the ice moving his hand at my ice barrier. I gasped feeling its force was too strong for me to hold. The ice started to break on my barrier, feeling it was shattering into small pieces. Toshiro killed the other Menos seeing the Menos broke my barrier. “B-Brittany!” 

The Menos hand broke through my shield causing the ice to fall on the ground. I was shocked afraid he stab me in the chest with his hand. Toshiro moved in front of me moving his sword down at the Menos cutting it in half. “Toshiro-kun…” Momo noticed all the hollows were killed but if Toshiro wasn’t here Brittany be… Rangiku landed on the ground next to Momo and I. “Fufu you failed to protect her.” Fufu ran up to Toshiro. 

“But she just moved on her own…she was there in an instant.” “Flash step…?” Rangiku asked shocked knowing I couldn’t have known that move even if I did use it. Toshiro moved in his gigai having the green pill in his hand. “Let’s head back.” We all went back to Orihime’s house. Toshiro checked my spiritual energy sensing it was different from before. “Seems like the training…well did you train before?” I nod my head slowly looking at Toshiro. 

“With Urahara and Yoruichi.” Toshiro smiled now understanding why I could handle his bankai. But he forgot he has a sealing mark that doesn’t let him use all his spiritual energy. “You only face half of my power I have a sealing that holds back my power…if I were to let that go I don’t know if you can handle it.” “I want to! I want to fight beside you…otherwise I won’t be any use to you.” Toshiro moved his hands on my shoulders gently. 

“Brittany, you are helpful you saved Momo if you didn’t she would have been wounded or dead.” Momo came in with two cups of tea. “It’s true Brittany you saved me.” I smiled at Momo happy I could save her. I may have met them today but…I feel like I known these two for a very long time. “We should all go to sleep and get our rest.” 

Toshiro moved his lips up on my forehead. My face turned red feeling like I could faint if he does that every night. I lay down with Momo sharing a bed with her. “Toshiro, has changed he never would kiss a girl like that.” She told me while her hands were holding onto mine. “Good night Momo-chan.” I said closing my eyes while holding her hand. Momo smiled closing her eyes slowly.

 “Good night Brittany-chan.” I slept happy that I never had been able to because I was alone in my house. I felt I could actually sleep and not worry about anything. I was fine… “She, did a flash step without knowing it?” Jyushiro asked being the squad of 11; he was also friends with Yoruichi. “Yes it seems her powers are coming to her or that she is getting use to using her energy better from feeling my energy.” 

Toshiro didn’t understand how she could just use it without even learning it. Or was it sealed away like her energy is being locked away by a seal her family has done? Jyushiro smiled watching Toshiro knowing if he anyone it could be him. It may be why she is unlocking her power now thanks to Toshiro. “I know it is you who can help her Toshiro.” Toshiro was shocked that he would say that his heart was beating in his chest so fast. 

“I am only doing my job of training her it has nothing to do with me.” “You will understand Toshiro that even others can give them power to fight.” Toshiro knew that he was right but he didn’t want to admit it not to them. “I will do my best.” “Good and please be careful when you take her out of the barrier. Seems like hollows found her and thus, you guys got attacked.” 

“I will next time I will put a barrier around her and myself.” Toshiro looked at the room I was in worried he had to put me in danger like that. Jyushiro waved turning off the connection. Toshiro walked in the room I was in seeing Momo had left to go patrol the city. He noticed I was still asleep but I looked beautiful laying there. He remembered in the past I sleep next to him as a child but we were just little then. 

Toshiro moved on the ground sitting on the bed next to mine. His hand moved up to my face feeling I was very soft. I moved a little feeling something warm on my face, it was like you were cold but that one thing was warm. I couldn’t tell what it was or where it came from. I moved closer to Toshiro leaning up against his chest feeling the warmth was closer to me now. 

He didn’t mind me being so close but he knew the reason now, he knew I was the same girl he had loved and forgot about to him losing his memory. He finally understood why they wanted me to not know such blood and danger. 

His arms were around me holding me close to his chest. “I will protect her now Ayame and Shad Haku.” He closed his eyes holding onto me he felt he could rest being close to me. He had no worries being near me but he knew that when I woke up he have to train me. Brittany…do your best. 

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