Sunday, December 25, 2011

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 3-Haku Family

"You are not  from here."  I looked at him shocked in my eyes. "T-Then...." "Yes from my world the Soul Society." He saw I was still surprised. "You are like me but you were born of a human Mother and Father was a spirit."  My eyes widen even more hearing the truth. I...was. He stared into my eyes watching them. 

"You, always will or have to go back to the place you were born to." He said staring at me still. His eyes...they are pierching mine. I felt dizzy with all that he is telling me. Me? A human and spirit child?  "I know its hard to think of...since you were here your memory has been erased." The TV came on of Yamamoto. "Head captain?"  "Is that...?" Toshiro looked at me. 

"Yes that is her sir. I will send her back if you need her to." Yamamoto looked at me sensing I was the last heir to the Haku family. "No...I want you to train her there." "H-Here?!" He asked surprised. "Yes. I am sure Urahara will help if you need it. But, if the arrancars come you need all the help you can get." Toshiro bow his head knowing it won't be easy since im a human. Yamamoto left the screen having it turn to black. "Train?" 

Orihime knew I wasn't ready but I have to train with a captain. "Brittany..." I looked at her then at Toshiro. "First, your going to have to get used to my spiritual pressure before I train you." He moved next to me. He picked me up in my arms with his hand against my back and his other hand under my leg. "I won't drop you I promise." He moved me up to his chest. Orihime got up cheering for me. "You can do it." I smiled at her feeling he left out of the apartment. 

He was really fast moving on each roof without any trouble over carrying me. Fufu drools nibbling on his finger. "Fufu... that isn't food." She pulled his finger out of his mouth. Fufu smiled staring at the kitchen. Roxy was Rangiku's mod soul which she moving crawling up to Fufu. "You wanna have sex Fufu?" Orihime gasped. "R-Roxy!" Mina was Momo's mod soul which was calm but quiet. She blushed grabbing Roxy's hair. "Don't you dare! You want Toshiro to hurt you again?" 

Roxy remembered he turned her to ice. "R-Right..." I watched Toshiro he never did let me go. I was close to his chest but we landed by a shop. "Candy shop?" "Yes...he is a merchant but don't let that fool you. He once was one of us...." He told me moving me on the ground. I felt dizzy feeling like I was still flying in the sky with Toshiro I was happy. 

Toshiro looked at me. "Are you okay?" I nod my head walking forward into a wall. He moved behind me catching me when I fell. "Silly girl..." He smiled at me remembering how silly Momo be. He tease her but...Momo is now looking for another guy. Ever since he met me he felt like he wanted to protect me, even hold me like he was doing earlier. 

He moved me up to his chest feeling his heart beat fast. What is this feeling? He moved his hands against my back feeling my skin was soft. He loved the feeling of my hair, of how soft it was and my skin. "If your going to make out please do it inside." Urahara called out. Toshiro face turned red. I woke up rubbing my eye while I smiled at Toshiro. "Oh hello Brittany." 

"Mr.Urahara?" I asked softly. "Come in." Toshiro helped me on my feet moving his hand against my hand. His hand was so soft and very warm. I felt my heart was racing just touching his skin. We walked inside sitting at a table with cups of tea. "Now, why you come here?" "To train." Urahara looked at me worried. "She is not ready." "She has to Yamamoto's orders." 

"You just follow them don't you?" Toshiro got up shaking his fists. "I have to!" I looked at Toshiro worried. Toshiro seemed like he wanted me to relax but he couldn't just say no. Urahara sighed. "I understand..." He saw that Toshiro was serious. "If your serious but I must warn you that you could break her easily." Toshiro smiled at Urahara. 

"I am not a harsh trainer." He had his hand out to me. I smiled grabbing his hand feeling he held it against my hand. Urahara smiled watching us go underground to his training area. "Seems like the young Captain loves her." Yoruichi smiled walking up to Urahara. "You are right."  I landed with Toshiro looking to see the sky was blue with no sun or moon. "We, should first begin on you or how far you can stand my spiritual pressure." 

He said moving a few steps in front of me. I watched his every move remembering my training with Yoruichi but it was cut off short I only learned my attack. C-Can I do it? He is a Captain.... Toshiro watched me seeing I was looking into his eyes. "Ready?" I nod my head slowly. My whole body froze afraid if he break me from just one little relase of his energy.  

Toshiro closed his eyes raising his energy slowly  seeing I show no fear or not able to breathe. I notice the ground was ice feeling like my energy when I first discovered it. "I can see you aren't effected. Good let's keep going." He raised it even higher but I was fine and I was surprised that I could stand it. " my bankai." "B-Bankai?" 

He smiled forgetting to explain about them. "Bankai is our second stage from shikai. But its our requirement before becoming a captain." I nod my head slowly knowing this be the tough mission to go past it. "Alright... be ready." I bit my lip afraid I faint but I know I will get past it. I have to for the enemies be stronger and they knock me out I be useless to him. "Bankai!" 

He yelled causing his energy to glow around him with a force so strong it was like breathing in a cold air of snow. I moved my finger up to my lips. It was like smothering me with his ice. I felt dizzy just standing few feet from him and he was in reach. 

He had ice wings on the back on him with a ice dragon where he held his sword with red eyes as his feet had ice feet and ice claws, I noticed a ice dragon tail also which he finally was done and his energy was the same as before but he kept it there for a while. I felt I could breathe even in this form. Toshiro stared at me shocked seeing I wasn't falling to the ground or having troubles breathing. I felt it was slow but easy to breathe. 

Was it because of Yoruichi's training? I shook my head feeling like Urahara had the same when I faced him but he was very tough I had a hard time breathing then. Toshiro walked closer moving up next to me. "Good job you pass th-" I fell forward feeling faint from no food. "Brittany!" He moved his arms around me dropping his sword. His claws were cold against my warm skin feeling I was shaking. 

"Im not weak because of you....I haven't had food." He chuckled softly. "Alright let's go back and get in my gigai I can take you out to eat." Urahara came up to us. "You two should relax if the arrancar comes Toshiro just do your best. I know you can beat them." "Thank you." He let his ice shatter with his energy back down to normal. "Let's go." He had his hand out to me. I touched it feeling all my strength come back to me just from touching his hand. It was warm just like his heart. He seemed to hide it from the others which made me I really that different?

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