Friday, December 2, 2011

Bleach:The Dark Hole Ch.11-Reunited Friends and Hollows?

Steven ran in the barracks of squad 10. He felt a sorry should be said after the way he acted he was drunk. "Captain please forgive me! I-" He noticed a note on the door in Hitsugaya's writing. "I will be gone so I will not be here for a while please leave all work for me on my desk and Brittany Haku is with me. Azumi, Chris, Momo and Rangiku do not cause trouble! I will be back when I can..." Steven read it slowly smiling glad he can wait a while before saying sorry. He was afraid he tell him to go away after all he was mad. "By the way...Steven do not worry about yesterday it was not your fault. I got upset at your words, I want to save her but now is not the time please understand." He read the last part knowing he felt better he told him that. "Captain... thank you." He put the note back on the door and left with a smile on his face. 

In the world of the living Toshiro and I had stayed at the hotel my family owned while we both had arrived at night. "We better get sleep but mostly they reported a lot of black, shadow things here."  "Shadows?" I asked afraid we may have a new thing coming here. "Yes. Seems they been attacking living humans only no spirit beings." He said moving inside the room we stayed at last time. 

I moved on the bed with a bag of clothes that we just bought with the school uniform. He moved next to me having his arm around my waist. He bought some clothes too just so we aren't just wearing our robes. But Toshiro had his gigai so we can be seen and since I am human I do not need a gigai but when I am in their world I turn to a spirit being but I am still human. "Toshi, will we be okay here?" He moved his lips up against my neck. "Yes." Toshiro was worried for what are these shadow creatures? Are....they just created by Aizen or...something else? He left that for tomorrow to decide all he knew is that he needed sleep. We both lay down under the blankets, with thoughts of those creatures. But I knew I had to be careful with being pregnant I am a easy target. 

But I should not let that worry me... The next morning I heard Toshiro in the shower he left the door open, hearing him wash his hair. I sat up in bed rubbing my eye with one finger. I checked my soul phone seeing the time was 6:30 am. So early of a shower yet he always got up early. I put my phone down moving in the bathroom. He sensed my presence while he smiled waiting for me to come in. I took my robes off moving them next to his clothes. He had the hanger of his school uniform up on a hanger that was attached to the door. 

I ran to grab my school uniform quickly. He smiled standing under the water waiting for me. The school uniform was missing I thought. Where could it be? Toshiro smiled forgetting he grabbed mine and had hanged it in front of mine. "Brittany its in here." He called out from the shower. "Toshi..." I said running in the bathroom closing the door behind me. I moved inside the shower seeing his back was turned to me. "Sorry for taking s-" He had used flash step to be behind me. "Its okay." He had moved me under the water so he could get my hair wet. "We do need to be on time don't we?" My face turned red, feeling the child inside me move. It felt like it could be a boy but I didn't really ask Unohana. Being distracted meeting Steven Sato and Azumi having a red face again. 

We washed our hair and our bodies to get out of the shower both dripping wet with water. Toshiro was beautiful like a ice prince from the snow. He was as though he could shine in any light and be like the Prince. He looked at me having his school uniform on. "Better stop day dreaming and get ready." I shook my head moving the school uniform on. Toshiro remembered seeing me wear these clothes when he first met me. He thought I was a angel from heaven seeing me he never felt that way before. My hair was down but was still wet from the water. "Come on let's go." "But my hair..." "its fine." He told me moving out of the bathroom. It was 7:00 am early but we have to walk there so may take us a while. I had left with Toshiro outside of the hotel telling the guy at the front we were leaving. "Have a good day Miss Haku." "Thank you." 

I left with Toshiro running away from the hill. He smiled running next to me. We did reach the school but we were five minutes to the bell ringing. "But...what about you? Aren't they gonna introduce you again?" He shook his head. "I already did it so they know me already." "I see."  A girl ran up behind me, her arms around me. "Bri-chan!" She cried against the back of my shirt. "Toshiro?!" Ichigo asked walking up to the girl.

 He turned looking at Ichigo. "Its Captain Hitsugaya alright!" Jannie let me go crying with happiness that I came back. "W-Where you go?! I talked to Ichigo but he always say you were on vacation." I looked at Ichigo thankful he told a lie but....does she know about?" "Oh my love!" Chiziru hugged my chest feeling my breasts with her face. Toshiro eyes twitched seeing her. "Um...Chiziru Brittany is... wait." She noticed my stomach was bigger then normal like I was pregnant. "Your pregnant!" "Shh....not so loud." I told her feeling the baby moved in my stomach. 

Chiziru stared at my stomach. "W-When did you...?" I smiled at her looking at Toshiro. He blushed grabbing my hand. "Come on." He left them with his face being all red. Chiziru smiled drooling from her lips. "So cute." Ichigo looked at Toshiro shocked. He got her pregnant? And...why are they here? He ran after Toshiro and I. We left to class sitting in the back. "Hold on! Why is she pregnant?" 

Uryu looked at Toshiro noticing he was next to me.. "So....they have come. But if she is prengant why bring her too?" He asked talking to himself. "Ichigo don't get in other people's business its their own problem not yours." He said moving up to Ichigo. Toshiro looked at Ichigo glaring at him. "Have you gotten that girl pregnant as well?" Ichigo face turned red. "N-No! Of course not..." He slammed his hand on Toshiro's desk. "J-Just.... why bring her here? She be in danger." "It was a order."  He looked the other way hearing the teacher came in. 

Ichigo moved in his desk cursing at the bell. Jannie had sat in the desk next to Ichigo looking at Toshiro. He seems like Ichigo....when he told me I couldn't believe it. But it was true he was a soul reaper when I saw him he saved me from that demon he calls a hollow. I rubbed my stomach feeling the baby was moving around while I winced softly. Toshiro moved his arms around me, his lips were up against my ear. "We can go back home I can always have someone else come." He whispered softly. I shook my head slowly staring into his eyes. "I'm fine." I told him but in truth it hurt a lot and if he stays at the hotel he just be missing those shadows. 

I can't let him see me be weak. Toshiro smiled moving his arms away from me. "Just be careful." The teacher went on about English while she wrote on the chalk board. I left the school and this world long before and I never thought I be here again. But I was happy to see everyone. By lunch time Ichigo had asked Toshiro again but he ignored him. "So, how you guys have sex? Was it like-" Tatsuki hit Chiziru on the head. "Sorry about that." "Its fine." He said looking at Tatsuki. I winced in pain feeling it was rough each day and never was like this. But my energy has come back from that time saving Toshiro. But now....I have to wait till the baby is born. Would I be in time for the battle? 

Toshiro helped me up moving me to walk with him to go outside. "Brittany, your not ready yet." "But..." I won't let you stay at the school and suffer." He moved me in his arms slowly walking away from the school. He was sorried for me... I made him look so worried. We arrived by the ocean but something dark was near, something like a evil that you could feel it creeping upon you. Toshiro stopped seeing dark, shadow creatures while he gasped. "W-What are they?" My eyes widen seeing they had glowing, red eyes like hollows but their body was shadow like. "S-Shadow... are they?" Toshiro looked at them serious while he knew that they must be what kills humans here. He must find a way to stop it or capture one! He must.... put a end to them. But can he do it? 

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