Monday, January 30, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 9-The Reigai Vs The Originals

Kira heard the gates opening looking up in the sky. Orihime was healing their wounds after I was gone I couldn’t heal them. “Thank you Orihime.” “You’re welcome but… Brittany is she okay?” “We can’t be for sure.” Reigai Toshiro came out of the gates smiling at them. “Ready for some more?” Orihime gasped seeing he was alone. “Where is Brittany-chan?!” She asked staring up at Toshiro. “Oh? You mean that girl…?” “She has a name!” Kira looked at Orihime. 

“Don’t let him get to you. I am sure the real Toshiro got her back.” Orihime knew she shouldn’t worry but she couldn’t just wait. “I know but…Brittany she could be dead.” Hisagi looked at Orihime knowing the worst if we had to prepare my funeral. “You won’t only suffer… she been a friend to us. Even family I hate to do a funeral if she is dead.” Toshiro looked down at them knowing Kageroza will have him be killed but if he dies here he doesn’t have to worry. 

“She is not dead!” He yelled at them. “What?!” They asked staring at him in shock. Toshiro knew they wouldn’t believe him. He jumped down in front of them. Hisagi moved in front of Orihime. “Get back Orihime.” Toshiro looked at the ground. “I want you guys to kill me.” “W-What?” Kira asked sounding shock in his voice. “Kageroza will have me not work for him but the best thing is for me to die here. I have helped her escape before I left.” 

Kira looked at Toshiro curious. “Why would you betray him?” “I love her… I couldn’t stand seeing her in that condition. I wanted her to help my original the one person I will fight later. But, I need her to be alive she would have been locked away in that place not free as she should be.” He looked away from them blushing on his face. “She like an ice princess but if caged she have no freedom.” Hisagi knew that Kageroza was a fool to give them emotion or memories… 

Toshiro loved me with all his heart. But one thing is to die seems like he is running away. “Why don’t you face him? Face him with us?! We can beat him if you’re with us.” Toshiro looked at Hisagi shocked in his eyes. “You trust me like that? I am not planning anything you can even have me be tied up if you choose.” “Is he into bondage?” “What’s that?” Orihime took out some whips and chains. 

“Bondage is a very known thing here in the world of the living… people do it for their loved ones but also you are tied up and struggle wi—“ Kira covered Orihime’s mouth. “I don’t think we need to know anymore.” Kenpachi laughed walking up to behind them. “So did you turn already reigai Toshiro?” Toshiro moved his sword at Kenpachi. “Run!” Orihime looked at Toshiro in shock. “He won’t wait forever…” Hisagi nod his head at Orihime. 

She ran away looking for Ichigo. Kira watched Kenpachi knowing he is very strong. “Seems you have went with them how foolish.” Toshiro moved his leg at Kenpachi’s stomach. “Whatever…” Ikkaku moved up to Toshiro. “Let me battle him if you truly are on our side… then I want to fight him to the death.” Toshiro left Kenpachi moving in the sky. “Alright he is yours.” Hisagi smiled watching Kira. “Guess we can go help Ichigo now. I do have trust in him but seems strange he change on our side so quickly.” “Very strange… but let’s go.” They left soon after leaving Toshiro. 

“Stop the act! You do know you won’t get away from his grip…” “Kageroza could care less about me… he just used me to get close to her.” “I won’t fall for it again.” Kenpachi smiled watching Toshiro. “That girl is nothing but a human… don’t get so distracted by that weak girl!” Ikkaku had his sword and sheathe come together to form a spear. “Shut up and fight me Captain!” “Alright let’s go.” He moved his sword down at Ikkaku. Toshiro watched them fight hoping I was able to help his original. Brittany… be strong. I was healing Toshiro, Momo and, Steven’s wounds. 

Steven noticed it was really me while he smiled. “Thank goodness you came.” “Steven-san, you shouldn’t move after all your wounds are healing.” Steven smiled knowing I was right. “I know. I am just so happy that you’re really here the real one… that was scary.” He looked at Momo knowing she must have felt the same. I healed Momo’s wounds feeling Toshiro had more wounds than Steven and Momo together. Steven looked at Toshiro seeing he was in danger. 

“Heal Toshiro Brittany.” He looked at me worried. I knew Toshiro needed it the most he was stabbed a lot of times. “Yes…” I moved over to Toshiro moving my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He opened his eyes looking at me. “Brittany, do not grieve for me… I let my guard down against your reigai.” I cried on his chest feeling it was my fault.

 Steven smiled watching me knowing I blame myself for everything. Toshiro moved his hand on my head gently. I looked at him with tears down my face. “How many times do I have to tell you not to cry?” He moved his tongue up against my tear licking it away slowly. I touched my face with my other hand feeling his hand was against my face. His hand feels very warm against my cheek. He smiled looking at me with his lips curved into a smile. 

“How long are you going to lie on top of me?” He asked pointing to Soifon battling the other reigai. I gasped moving off of him knowing now I can’t be lying on him and crying. “S—Sorry!” Momo opened her eyes seeing the ceiling but her wounds felt no pain. Steven smiled looking at Momo. “Morning sleeping beauty did you enjoy your nap?” He grabbed her hand moving it up to her lips. Momo gasped sitting up seeing me with Toshiro. “Imposter how dare you sit by us and heal…” 

She stopped seeing I was smiling. “B—Brittany chan… is that really you?” She asked with tears in her eyes. I finished healing Toshiro’s wounds seeing he got up standing next to me. I looked at Momo with a smile on my face. “Yes Momo it’s me Brittany. I came after you guys got hurt and saved Toshiro before she killed him.” Momo saw Soifon and the other captains. 

“So now we battle the reigai.” “I would say you should rest but they do need your help.” Yoruichi moved over to inside my barrier. “Brittany I want you to stay out of this fight… if we need someone to heal us, that is you for the time being and Kageroza is trying to capture you.” Soifon moved next to Yoruichi. “We can’t allow you to get captured by him again.” I knew getting captured wouldn’t help them he could make a new reigai even stronger… I don’t need him to research on me. 

“I will stay here then.” Yoruichi looked at Steven and Momo. “You two ready?” Toshiro gasped looking at Yoruichi. “I will go fight as—“She looked at him seriously. “No you stay and protect Brittany.” Soifon smiled looking at Toshiro. “Don’t be useless and make out with her okay?” Toshiro face turned red shaking his fists. Momo and Steven left with Soifon and Yoruichi. “Why you!” “Toshiro-kun…” I grabbed the ribbons in my hair. 

It was a good idea I changed my hair look or they wouldn’t recognize me. Toshiro sat down inside my barrier wanting to attack the reigai for what they done to me. But so far he couldn’t do anything. I sat down next to Toshiro. “Toshiro…” He looked at me seeing that I was still alive even being captured they haven’t hurt me. “Brittany… I am glad you are alive but I think we should do a scan just in case.” “But… you would need stuff to do that.” 

He shook his head moving his hand up to my head. “I can sense if anything is wrong no matter what.” Kageroza looked at Toshiro smiling at him. “Ah… so he wants to try erase whatever I done to her? But you are too late.” He looked at me. She will do whatever I wish since I will use a spell to have her listen to me. I looked at Kageroza feeling Toshiro used his energy while I winced in pain. “I knew he do this… and this spell is nothing but a mind spell for you to attack us when we beat him.”

 I felt the spell inside me disappearing over Toshiro’s spiritual energy pouring inside me. “T—Toshiro…kun.” He moved my head on his lap. I gasped feeling the spell was gone. Kageroza looked at us while he watched the battle. I think now be the best time… He smiled looking at me. I felt no pain of someone inside my head, someone like Kageroza when I came I still felt I didn’t want to be close to anyone. But now thanks to Toshiro I can. I moved my face against his legs. 

He smiled moving his hand on my head moving it back and forth petting my head slowly. He smiled at Kageroza whispering softly. “You lost.” Kageroza grabbed the railing where he was standing. You won…? I don’t think so Captain Hitsugaya! Kira found my mod soul seeing I was hiding behind a tree. “Is…that?” “Maria is her name and she only trusts Toshiro and since he isn’t here.” 

“Isn’t his reigai here?” Maria hid behind the tree looking at Kira and Hisagi scared in her eyes. “Scary men…I wish my owner was here there are scary men out to get me.” Hisagi sighed watching my mod soul. “Couldn’t she pick one that was…different?” Toshiro landed next to Hisagi and Kira. “What’s the matter?” “Ah! Thank goodness you’re here you see her mod soul… only trusts you.” Toshiro looked at Maria. Maria ran over to hug Toshiro with hearts appearing above her head.

 “I see… I am guessing she choose it this way.” “Yes that way her mod soul doesn’t get lost or taken.” Kira saw Rangiku was having problems with the captain reigai of Komamura. “Seems they are having problems…” “We will go help.” Toshiro nod his head seeing they left while he looked at my mod soul.  We are the same… but the real Brittany is she alright? Rangiku landed against the tree coughing out blood. “Rangiku are you alright?” Maria ran over to stand in front of Rangiku. 

“Ice barrier!” She yelled creating a barrier in front of Rangiku and her. Toshiro gasped seeing my mod soul had the same powers as me. Komamura moved his sword down at the barrier. But… only she can do a little from the original she is like him. “Why do you stand there comrade?” He asked Toshiro seeing he wasn’t attacking them. “Did you turn already to their side? Don’t believe their words…” “I didn’t get changed by them.” 

Toshiro pulled his sword out moving his sword at Komamura’s large sword from his bankai samurai. “I choose to help them!” Komamura growled at Toshiro. “You realize you won’t be able to stay alive after he hears of this?!” “I don’t care.” A flame appeared on Komamura’s bankai burning it in a large, flame. “Could…it be you Captain Yamamoto?” “Wrong.” Azumi moved her sword in Komamura chest. “I am Azumi Hanashia! Of squad 3.” She said moving her sword out of Komamura quickly moving it down his back. 

“You reigai caused my Brittany-chan such trouble…I should end all of your lives in one hit.” Komamura felt she was strong but how? She just a small child…compared to the head captain. Nozomi saw Azumi was strong like me. “W-Whoa…” “That’s Azumi she very strong.” Ichigo told her seeing her face was shocked. Nozomi smiled looking at Ichigo. “So, you guys are friends right?” “I wouldn’t say that.” Azumi kicked Ichigo in his chest. 

“How dare you say that… you bastard!” Her hair was red like it was on fire. Nozomi blinked her eyes watching Azumi. “So… you’re Nozomi the mod soul we are to protect.” Nozomi knew every soul reaper has to protect her but…they die. Toshiro watched Azumi remembering how he annoyed her a lot. “Great the fire dragon is out…” Azumi body twitched hearing what Toshiro said. “What was that?” She moved in front of him with her eyes glaring at him. 

Fire was around her as her hair was still red. “It was nothing fire dragon.” “I am no fire dragon! Besides aren’t you our enemy Toshiro-kun?” “You have no right to call me that fire pig.” Nozomi blinked her eyes watching them. “Don’t worry they do this all the time.” Ichigo told her. “Fire…pig?” She grabbed his robes. “You reigai…” Kira appeared next to Azumi. “Ah good you arrived and…” He saw Komamura turned to dust leaving a red pill. “A soul candy?” 

“We should keep it to hand over to Urahara.” “Seems like all that’s left is Kenpachi.” “Let’s leave it to Ikkaku and take Nozomi back to his place for now.” “Your right and you reigai can talk to him.” Toshiro nod his head slowly. “Alright.” He knew they won’t trust him but he had no plans to let them off guard. He just wants to see that I am alive. They left leaving Ichigo to stay behind. 

I watched the fight go on while Soifon had come for me to heal her which I did after a while but seems this fight could go on forever. Kageroza heard his reigai lost only one left while he growled “Such foolish weak reigai.” Toshiro smiled looking at Kageroza. “Seems you are going down Kageroza Inaba!” He stood beside me in the barrier I had formed. “What?” “You lost just admit it.” Kageroza looked at me then at Toshiro. “I have not lost.” “Then where your plan now?”

 He asked moving his hand back to his sword. “You’re standing in front of her.” Toshiro looked at me shocked in his eyes. “What?” I moved my hand in his stomach from behind him. “B—Brittany… why?” He coughed out blood feeling weak. “Such a foolish Captain… you think I wasn’t prepared!” He started to laugh seeing Toshiro was bleeding from his stomach. Yoruichi moved behind Kageroza. “You’re the fool.” Soifon moved on the other side of him.

 “We saw through your stupid plan.” The reigai captains were turned to dust and defeated. Kageroza saw I moved my hand out of Toshiro. Toshiro looked at Kageroza and smiled. “W—What?! I had her under my spell…” “You thought he wouldn’t notice? Toshiro is very close to her and a spell like that is child’s play for him.” “So you’re the foolish one.” Soifon said moving her foot at him. Kageroza moved away from them. “I will not lose!” I pulled my hand out of Toshiro feeling blood on my hand.

 I hated to stab him but it was to fool Kageroza. Toshiro landed on my chest feeling a hole in his stomach by my hand. I started to heal his wounds feeling tears fall down my face. “Toshiro…” He smiled looking up at me. “Brittany you did well thank you.” I knew the plan it was hard but I had to fool him and I wanted him to think I was in his control. But it’s okay now  I am beside Toshiro. I will always protect him…. no matter what. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 8-Showdown!

Toshiro came back to the basement moving me on the ground. “So you were able to get her.” “Yes I know you have things to do… so I will return.” “Thank you.” Toshiro left back to the world of the living. He knew he would use my power for his evilness but he had to follow orders. The one he wanted to protect was now being used against the real Toshiro. 

I am sure he will see through it… Kenpachi walked with Toshiro down to the squad 12. “Seems we are here.” “Seems like it.” Steven stayed by Toshiro as for Momo they refused to leave. “I am sure Brittany is alright.” Toshiro looked worried feeling a uneasy feeling since a minute ago. He felt that I was here. “Let’s go in…” They ran in with Toshiro seeing Kageroza was with someone. 

“Kageroza it ends here!” He started to laugh watching Toshiro. “Captain Hitsugaya just admit you lost…” Toshiro grabbed his sword by its handle moving to pull it out. “I won’t stop until you are dead.” Kageroza looked at the girl. “Maybe you should go down there and tell him how you feel.” Momo eyes widen in shock seeing she had blonde hair like mine. “N—No…” Steven gasped looking shocked in his eyes. Kenpachi looked serious at Toshiro. “You have to fight.” 

Toshiro dropped the sword on the ground seeing it was me. “I think you could kill her right?” Kageroza smiled looking at Toshiro. My reigai landed on the ground smiling at Toshiro with my glowing, blue eyes. Toshiro was shaking feeling like he did this. When he let me go to the world of the living. He failed…me. “Attack aren’t you going to?” She asked sounding evil. Momo moved in front of Toshiro. “I won’t let you hurt Toshiro you imposter!” 

She laughed running at Momo moving her leg at her stomach. Momo gasped moving to the wall. Steven gasped looking at my reigai. “You’re in the way.” She moved her hand in Steven’s stomach. Toshiro gasped seeing Momo and Steven both hurt in front of his eyes. “I hate weaklings like you two…you always get in the way.” She kicked Steven next to where Momo was. “So weak…” Kenpachi smiled moving in front of Toshiro. “Why don’t you sit this one out?” 

“You’re just a barbarian.” She moved her fist at Kenpachi forcing him back into a wall. Toshiro gasped feeling my reigai was too strong. “I hate weaklings…didn’t I tell you?!” Kenpachi felt she was strong… stronger than the real one. Seems like I was the weak one…but I know she will come kill you. I ran outside feeling I sensed a tension in squad 12. What am I going to do? Toshiro…please wait! My reigai moved at Toshiro with her fist hitting in his stomach. Toshiro landed into the wall coughing out blood. “I thought you were going to kill me!” Toshiro got up slowly looking at the reigai. 

“No…I only kill Kageroza!” He moved his sword at my reigai. “You’re not…her! Stop pretending to be her.” She laughed kicking at his sword moving her hand up at his neck. “Of course I can’t stop… I am her reigai.” “You’re not nothing like her… she is sweet, kind… and.” “And what? Weak?!” She stabbed him in his stomach with her hand. “You think she is weak don’t you? 

That’s how you got close to her by being nice to her since she was weak and looking for someone to lean on.” She growled moving him into the wall. “I hate you! I wish you die already.” Toshiro coughed out blood feeling his wounds won’t stop bleeding. He can’t fight like this… but he has to for me. He moved his sword at her neck slowly. She jumped back letting his neck go. “You are very scary when you fight.” “Shut up already.” He ran at my reigai swinging his sword at her. She smiled dodging each attack. Kageroza smiled watching Toshiro. 

“He is almost at his weak point.” My reigai moved her hands at his sword feeling he was slowing down. I can’t keep this up… I am losing too much blood. “You’re  slowing down!” I moved in front of Toshiro moving my hand in my reigai’s stomach. She gasped feeling her heart got stabbed. “W—What?” Toshiro gasped seeing my hair was in two braids with ice ribbons in my hair and small bells on the ribbons. “B—Brittany?” Kageroza gasped looking at me. 

“That’s the…! Get away from her she will kill you.” He yelled looking at me angry. “Kori…no Hana.” Her body turned to ice. The reigai disappeared into dust falling on the ground. “Toshiro-kun!” I moved him on the ground gently creating a barrier around me. Kageroza growled biting his lip. “You bitch!” Yoruichi came in with the other captains. “We arrived just in time… Brittany you did great!” “Thank you Yoruichi-sama!” Soifon smiled walking next to Yoruichi. 

“You killed her in such a quick time our training was worth it I am proud of you.” “Thank you!” Toshiro smiled laying his head on my lap he felt it was his fault everyone got taken down. “I won’t be beaten by that girl… I planned it out.” “Seems like you forget Brittany doesn’t go down that easily… you thought the reigai was helping you did you?” Yoruichi smiled looking at Kageroza. “W—What do you mean? Of course he helped me! He brought her here.” Soifon looked at Yoruichi. 

“What do you mean?” “Soifon… his reigai loved her seeing her being used like that must of drove him mad.” Kageroza gasped remembering he left with the mod soul. “That… back stabber!” “You should know who he wants to protect.” Kageroza remembered asking Toshiro’s reigai. “That’s right… it was her. So he let her wake up but I still can bring her back! 

I will still get Nozomi and use her to bring my true power.” He laughed evil with his eyes looking scary. “He scary…” I whispered seeing he sent other captain reigai. “Brittany please hurry and heal them all we need back up.” “Yes lady Yoruichi!” I said moving my hands on Toshiro’s chest. Toshiro grabbed my hands shaking his head. “Kiss me.” My face turned red hearing him say it like that. “B—But… it’s too early.” “Not with your tongue just use you’re healing powers!”

 He blushed looking away from me. I grabbed his face moving my lips up against his gently. He gasped feeling his wound heal in a second. I moved Momo, Steven and Kenpachi next to Toshiro in my barrier. “Only heal me a little and don’t even kiss me.” I giggled softly not even thinking about kissing him. “Yes Captain Zaraki.” I touched his wounds feeling they healed. Kenpachi left the barrier moving next to Soifon. “I’m ready for battle.”

 Jyushiro looked at Kenpachi surprised. “Her healing has improved.” “Oh come on Jyushiro she been like that since we knew her…though young people do grow old.” I blushed a lot looking at Jyushiro and Kyoraku. “Enough talk let’s get ready!” I watched them get ready for battle I will have to hurry and heal the others but shouldn’t take long but… Momo, Steven and Toshiro should rest a bit before battling once again. I know my healing is well but I sense they been wounded by my reigai. I was weak… I should have never let myself be taken by Toshiro’s reigai. Sorry everyone… 

Black Blood Brothers Chapter 1-The Princess {Hime}

“The princess is coming here?” Kain asked staring at Sei the lord dragon of the city. “I know what you’re thinking… why keep such an important person within the vampires? She is here to hide from someone who been after her since her parents died in that Hong Kong incident.” Sei said being in a child body he sat in a chair. His eyes were closed but he was a very old vampire. 

“So… where will she be staying?” A guy asked wearing a hat with his red, hair. His eyes were red also being the eight hundred vampire an old blood. “Zelman Clock you do have a younger brother yes?” Sei asked smiling at him. “I do. Is he her protector?” Sei nod his head looking at Zelman. “Give me him my message though… he lives far in the mountains right?” 

“Yes in one of our mansions but he isn’t in the city.” “Let him know just in case she gets here late.” Zelman left the room using his phone. He called Toshiro his brother who he does tease a lot but this be serious. “I guess my brother will be growing up today.” Toshiro heard his cell phone ring while he was lying on the couch. “Who be calling me…?” 

He picked up his phone opening it slowly to answer. “Sorry to wake you up… but Lord Dragon has someone he wants you to protect.” Toshiro sat up on the couch in shock. “W—Who would that be?!” Zelman smirked. “It’s a secret.” He hanged up closing his phone. Toshiro sighed getting up from the couch. He felt he hated Zelman sometimes he never tells him but who is it? 

Who would he have to protect? He left his house in the limo knowing he had to hurry to the city before whoever he has to protect be there. This city was for vampires and humans to co-exist together as one. Sei wished for us to live in peace but some vampires say that is rubbish. “Look at us vampires living by humans! We should take the city for ourselves…” “Doesn’t lord dragon notice everyone?” “I don’t think he will I mean… I heard a princess was coming.” 

“Princess…? She be good to eat even if we get killed it be the best!” My maid with me was going to go find Sei and she told me to wait here. But I love to explore but I shouldn’t have left… It was late when we arrived at night. I ran in the forest of the city not thinking if it be dangerous or not. Why would it be? No demons or monsters here just humans. I was told very little… 

My feet ran on the ground looking around all I saw were trees. I heard laughter from one of the bushes and my feet stopped. What was that? I asked looking behind me and around me. There was nothing but a few grasshoppers chirping. It was just… “Hello.” A guy appeared in front of me. I jumped landing on the ground. He blinked his eyes feeling bad he scared me. “You have such a nice scent.” My eyes widen knowing I didn’t put perfume on. Could it be true? 

Could vampires exist? No… they aren’t real but I always told they never are real. The guy smiled showing his fangs that were glowing from the moonlight. He…a v—vampire?! I got up running away from him trying to find my way out. “You can’t run forever…I can smell you.” He said laughing in an echo voice. I stopped panting running out of breath. 

I was too scared to run knowing if he was a vampire then he find me. “Give up already?” He was behind me moving me up against the tree. “Stop…please.” He smiled moving his fangs near my neck slowly. My eyes closed scared what will happen to me now… I was coming here and now I am going to die! The guy got hit into a wall by ice pinning him to a tree. 

My eyes opened quickly seeing the guy was against a tree by ice. “Are you alright Miss Shiya?” I ran over to behind him. He saw I was shaking afraid of the other guy which he understood why I should be. “Don’t be scared I may be like him but I have no intention of biting you.” “You bastard…stealing my food.” “your food…? I don’t think you know what you are touching. 

She is the princess of Shiya our most respected humans of us vampires one drip of her blood spilled by you low vampires and you get your head cut off.” The guy’s eyes widen in shock. “J—Just over a human?! You guys should kill her and enjoy the blood!” “I am not like you.” He saw Kain arrived next to him. “I will take care of him… you take the princess away.” “Yes.” 

He turned to face me moving his hands on my shoulders. “Are you okay?” “Yes…um I was supposed to wait but I…” He smiled knowing I must be curious but to not tell me anything was not a good idea. “Do not feel bad for leaving I be curious too but please stay by my side.” “Yes…um.” “Toshiro Clock is my name and Brittany Shiya we should go.” He held his hand out to me. It was white as snow and his hair was silver with his turquoise eyes.

 His smile was peaceful almost like he looked like a regular person. But in truth… he was like that guy. But he must be older or at least calm around my blood. I touched his hand leaving with him out of the forest away from Kain and that man. I knew Kain kill him for even touching me. Seems like my blood is delicious to vampire’s even old bloods. 

Though they seem to have better control…. I wonder where I go from here. Would I go somewhere safe? Or… somewhere I could die in the fangs of someone who wanted my blood? I didn’t know but I trusted Toshiro… I trusted him more than any other vampire. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 7-Nozomi and Reigai

I came back in the world of the living hearing voices coming from Urahara’s shop. “You pervert.” “I’m no pervert!” I opened the door running in the shop seeing a girl kick a stuffed animal we call Kon. “Bri-chan!” He ran up to me feeling someone step on his head. “I had a mod soul in Toshiro’s gigai so now I call him Fufu.” Urahara explained moving his finger up in front of him. “Serves you right you pervert.” Nozomi said with hate in her voice. “Hello!” 

I said bowing my head to her. “Oh, and hello to you too Fufu.” I said bowing my head to him. Fufu smiled bowing his head to me. Nozomi blushed looking at me feeling like I was an ice princess. So beautiful… “I’m Nozomi Kujo and what is your name?” She moved her hand out to me. “Brittany Haku is my name and nice to meet you.” I said moving my hand up to hers slowly. We shook hands while Kon looked up my skirt. “I can see your und—“ Fufu stepped on Kon roughly. “Did you have to make him like the real Toshiro?” Kon asked sounding weak. 

“Well, of course he knew you would try to spy on her any chance you got so he ordered me to watch her and Fufu will follow you anywhere you go Brittany so you’re safe.” My face turned red not like it’s any different Toshiro followed me everywhere. “Now you should both stay here since the reigai could come any moment.” “I wouldn’t want to be alone… not when I left Toshiro the real one.”

 Urahara looked at me shocked. “You mean…that Toshiro was the fake?” “Yes he um…” My face turned red feeling my stomach. Urahara looked at my stomach knowing that even as the fake he have feelings and he can’t stop those feelings. But why he attack her then? If he truly loved her… he never stab her. “But he couldn’t have… he stabbed you.” “He told me why… Kageroza Inaba told him to do it and he thought of him testing if he could or not. 

He wishes he never did but I never knew it was him since I didn’t have a clue.” “It’s alright Brittany… let’s just plan an attack if they come. The lieutenants are here while the captains the real ones, as you know are in the Soul Society.” “But Steven and Momo are still there.” “They will probably come here soon. I am sure Toshiro will want to defeat him with the captains not involving you or anyone else.” Urahara got up leaving the room. I knew he was right but still I have a uneasy feeling. 

Nozomi walked up to me. “You’re a soul reaper right?” She knew having all of them fight for her cause them to get hurt. “I want to fight but they told me to stay behind… can you help me? My zanpakuto… its name I don’t know but if you help I am sure I can do it.” “Sure I can help you! My captain helped me learn my zanpakuto to… let’s do it Nozomi-chan.” She nod her head grabbing my hand. We left to go to the forest away from the city so we cause no damage. 

I ate a soul candy coming out of my body and into my robes. Nozomi saw my robes were black with a skirt under my butt with a big, pink bow in the back. I had white, leg stockings up to my knees with small bells attached to it. The shoes I wore were waraji samurai shoes. Nozomi saw I look beautiful even in the robes. Nozomi changed into hers having the same as my robes with white, stockings up to her legs. “Nozomi-chan… you looks cute!” 

She blushed on her face holding onto her zanpakuto. “T-Thank you…” She pulled out her sword moving it in front of her. “I believe… my zanpakuto can absorb spiritual energy.” My eyes widen in shock hearing such amazing ability. “That’s so cool Nozomi-chan!” Nozomi face turned red hearing that I loved her zanpakuto. “Arazomeshigure is my zanpakuto name.” She stared at the sword thinking maybe now she knows the name she could call out to it. 

“I will attack you with everything I got okay?” I backed up from her pulling out my sword. “Bloom Kori No Hana!” Nozomi felt my energy was very strong. The grass turned to ice with a cold air in the sky she had to cover her lips. “Strong…” “I am ready Brittany-chan.” I ran at her with my sword releasing all my energy in one hit. The snow around my sword was going inside hers. Nozomi felt my power inside hers it was amazing. “I can hear it… my zanpakuto it is changing.” 

She noticed with just one hit I was able to change it. “That’s Brittany spiritual pressure… is she fighting someone?” “The reigai aren’t here so who could it be?” “A hollow?” Rangiku left appearing next to me. “Bri—“ She noticed Nozomi’s zanpakuto was glowing pink inside with the energy she had it had changed shape completely. All the lieutenants came after Rangiku. “Amazing…” Ikkaku smiled looking at me. “She was trained by the best even Nozomi is a beginner compared to Brittany.” Yumichika moved his hand through his hair. 

“I even wanted to fight her but then I mess up her beautiful face.” “She be the best soul reaper ever.” “Now you’re just saying that… you never seen her fight.” Ikkaku said. I felt a spiritual pressure all around causing the sky to crack. “N-No! It can’t be the reigai…” Ikkaku moved with Yumichika after the reigai near the park. “This is where he appear.” Kira and Hisagi both looked at me. “Brittany we want you to come with us.” “Right! Nozomi go back to Urahara’s alright?” 

Ichigo ran up to Nozomi and the others. “We will go meet the other reigai.” Rangiku left with the remaining lieutenants. I left with Kira and Hisagi. We waited in the sky seeing someone above us. “Hisagi look out!” I gasped seeing it was Toshiro as his reigai. My body started to shake. Toshiro stared at the three of us with a smile on his face. “Ah! So it was fate that we meet.” 

He looked at me his eyes changed he looked sad in his eyes. Kira looked at me seeing the reigai Toshiro wasn’t smiling no more. “What…is he doing?” “Remember Toshiro loves her so I bet it’s hard for him to attack.” He said pulling out his sword. Toshiro grins moving his sword at Hisagi’s. “Who said about me not being able to attack?” He looked at me his eyes were sad. “Well… then why don’t you attack her?!” Hisagi called out his sword having two weapons. “I won’t go easy on you… so let’s go!” Kira moved next to me seeing I was shaking. 

“I know he is Toshiro… but you have to attack. We can’t let them have Nozomi.” “They are after her?” “Yes… Kageroza wants her for a special or true power.” “Kageroza… seems very scary.” I said softly looking down feeling like we are powerless to do anything. Kira looked at me worried. “Don’t feel sad Britt—“ He noticed Hisagi got pushed back where I was. “You’re so weak! Maybe I should fight the girl just to see if she is stronger.” Toshiro said laughing at Hisagi. 

Hisagi looked at me. “Brittany I need your help!” Kira is right though I can’t love someone who isn’t really Toshiro. “I will do my best.” The chain on Toshiro’s zanpakuto was around me pulling me up to Toshiro. “Give her back!” Kira yelled. I felt the chain was around my arms and I was up against his chest. “R-Reigai Toshiro…” He held the end of the chain in his hands. Hisagi moved behind him moving his zanpakuto. 

Toshiro moved his foot at his zanpakuto while holding me in his right arm. “Too easy!” Kira called out his zanpakuto moving on the side moving his sword down at the chain. “I should cut this so you are free Brittany but… I may cut you in the process.” “Seems like they rather cut you down.” Toshiro said smiling at Kira and Hisagi while holding onto me. He moved away from them moving his lips up against my ear. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to trick you that day when you thought I was him I just couldn’t say no.” 

My eyes were in shock hearing what he was saying. “Brittany don’t listen to him!” Toshiro used his ice on Kira without even using his sword. “Shut up… you’re bothering me.” “Please don’t hurt them Toshiro!” He looked at me worried knowing he hates seeing me get hurt. “I am being this strong…only for you. I do have a mission but my goal is to protect you.” 

I looked at him shocked in my eyes. “Your goal…? But if you have a mission why would Kageroza let you have a goal?” “I got this power and my memories and feelings with it. I rather die protecting you… but I also must defeat them and you must understand.” “No… I don’t want you to hurt others.” He looked at me moving me behind him. “Stay here.” He jumped flying at Kira and Hisagi. “Now to deal with you two!” I gasped feeling the chains weren’t around me no more. 

He so fast… Kira got hit backwards feeling he was too strong. Hisagi landed in front of me. “Brittany don’t let his words confuse you! He is only after Nozomi only… not caring about you.” Toshiro kicked Hisagi away from me with his foot. Hisagi landed by Kira. Kira was shocked how fast he moved. We are in trouble! He thought to himself he knew I be no match for him. Toshiro moved in front of me facing the sword at Hisagi and Kira. “Who wants to play next?” 

My eyes were shocked on how strong he was… but he is protecting me from them. Kira looked at me then at Toshiro. “So, you do have a heart.” Toshiro moved his sword at Kira’s stomach. “I said that didn’t I? He gave us feelings and memories from the original but you are deaf aren’t you?” Hisagi gasped moving his sword at Toshiro. Toshiro grabbed his one zanpakuto pulling it very hard making Hisagi come at him. I gasped seeing Hisagi got stabbed also by Toshiro’s reigai. 

He just too strong for them both! Kira fell to the ground with Hisagi. “Toshiro…” He looked at me while he smiled. “They are so weak! I can’t believe th—“ I moved at Toshiro moving my hand at him. Toshiro dodged looking at me shocked. “Brittany…” “They are my friends… you’re not Toshiro. I won’t’ let you win!” My tears fell from my face feeling hurt just attacking his reigai. He said he protect me but… if that means seeing my friends get hurt. I couldn’t stand it! 

Toshiro moved up to me grabbing my hands. I gasped remembering he is too fast for me. “I won’t attack you… as I said I am to protect you.” “T—Toshiro… but that’s not right! You shouldn’t be protecting me and helping Kageroza.” Toshiro  moved his hand up to my head. I felt dizzy falling in his arms. “Toshiro…” He looked at me watching Kira and Hisagi. “She won’t be needing to see your faces again” He left away from them moving to open a gate. Kira opened his eyes slowly seeing I was in his arms. “B—Brittany… wake up you have to run.” 

He whispered feeling his wounds hurt so much. Hisagi growled feeling they failed. Toshiro looked back at them smiling at them. “You guys have lost.” He left inside the gate with me in his arm. Ichigo saw I left while his eyes were in shock. “N—No…” He hit his fists on the ground. Bri…chan she got taken away I should have had her with us! Nozomi watched me disappear while she knew she can’t let them take her. “Brittany…chan.” She whispered softly biting her lip. She won’t go with Kageroza not ever…nor she let me down! 

Inuyasha Chapter 2-The World of Demons

I fell down the well remembering Toshiro’s voice but I didn’t think he not come down. I looked up seeing he wasn’t there “Toshiro…” My body felt different being here it was close to my dream. I climbed up the vine seeing it leads up to the top of the well. I climbed out seeing trees and grass everywhere I looked. It was peaceful like I went back in time. 

“N-No shrine… I must be through the well but I know it’s so different.” I whispered hearing a growling noise. “W—What is that noise?” I asked looking around where I sat on the well. A boy came out of the bush having an ice, dragon tail with wings on the back of him and ice claws. “T—Toshiro!” He looked at me seeing I looked like a human. A human? He thought to himself feeling like he had to get her out of here. The demon came out running at Toshiro.

 My eyes widen in shock seeing the demon in front of him was scary. Toshiro slashed his claws at the demon turning it to ice. He moved over to me picking me up in his arms. “You damn brat!” Toshiro had his hand under my legs and the other hand on my back. He looked different his eyes were the same but his ice on his back and he had claws like that demon but it was ice too. “Toshiro… what happened to you?” He looked at me shocked that I knew his name. 

“How, do you know my name?” The demon jumped at Toshiro. I notice Toshiro was bleeding on his chest. “You’re hurt!” He jumped flying in the sky causing the ground to turn to ice. “Don’t worry about me human I am fine.” Human…? He is a demon so it can’t be Toshiro but why does he look the same? I was so confused. Toshiro landed by a cave moving inside putting me on the ground. He felt his wings disappear as the ice shattered but his tail stayed and his feet were like mine. “How do you know my name? I never met you before…” 

“I…I came from the well I don’t know but seems like I traveled through time.” Toshiro fell on his knees feeling his wound was making it hard for him to breathe. “I never heard such a well but it’s true that I didn’t smell you till now.” My face turned red hearing he could smell. H-He is a demon! Of course he can smell just as a dog can. Or… a cat. 

“Why are you so red? All I said was I could smell you.” “You see… there is someone that is human like me but he looks like you without the tail and claws…and ice.” Toshiro looked at his tail moving it a little to the right. “I see. So that must be how you know my name… he must be my future self in your time.” “Your ancestor?” “Yes… so it seems like you would know that my last name is Hitsugaya.” I nod my head hearing the demon growl trying to find him. 

“Why do you fight demons?” “He attacked me first almost killed someone I was trying to protect earlier…” “I didn’t see anyone…” “It was you.” I gasped looking at Toshiro shocked in my eyes. He looked away moving his tail back and forth. Why does she make me excited? She just a human… yet I feel like I want to protect her. I moved his shirt open a little seeing he was bleeding on his chest. “W—Wait! What are you doing?” “I can help you.” He moved his hands on my shoulders. 

“Alright… but I don’t think you can being a human you can’t heal me.” I remember from my dream I was a priestess but I don’t know if it’s real or not. My hands moved near his wound on his chest. I have to try and save him! My hands were glowing white near his wound. Toshiro gasped feeling his wound start to heal and he gasped. “It’s warm…” He closed his eyes moving his hand up to my wrist. “Are you a priestess?” 

“I… have these memories I don’t remember so I must have a past being here.” I healed his wound in a few seconds. This would have taken the nurses a week to heal maybe even more. Toshiro opened his eyes slowly looking at me. I fell forward against his chest feeling weak. “What is your name?” He caught me in his arms. His hand moved up on my head while his other hand was around my waist. “Its… Brittany.” He held me closer to his chest picking me up slowly.

 I gasped feeling he had his wings come out and he left the cave moving to a village close by. My head moved up against his chest feeling his heartbeat. It was just like… “Toshiro, you have to let me go down there!” “Kagome… I can’t let you go. What if Brittany comes back?” Toshiro asked sitting on the steps in the room of the well. Kagome knew he was right but Brittany is in danger. “Brittany needs our help!” “Kagome… be patient I know how you feel.” 

Kagome looked at Toshiro seeing it was dark outside. “You better go home… we will keep you informed if she comes back.” Toshiro knew he shouldn’t worry. But he has to go back home and he missed kendo but he isn’t bad at it. “Alright.” He got up from the steps leaving the room. “Don’t you dare leave.” He said walking away from their shrine. 

Kagome knew she had to see me… she had to break his promise. Sorry Toshiro… I can’t follow your request. She jumped down the well seeing she disappeared as well going down a blue light. “I must be going through time…” I woke up sitting up on a bed that was on the ground. The room was dark but small like a hut. Toshiro leaned against the wall watching me. 

“You slept long enough? I told the priestess about you and she said she let you stay but demons will come… so she asked me to stay. But I need to find a demon named Naraku.” My eyes widen remembering a demon in my dream. He was pretending to be my friend I could see past it but got attacked on my shoulder. Toshiro saw my eyes were blank like I was in my own memory. 

He moved up to me his tail wrapping around my body. He stared at my neck remembering if he found someone he loved to mark them. I rubbed my eyes feeling a tail up against my back. “Toshiro since when do you have a tail?” He moved his hand up to his face. “Did, you forget you are in the world with demons?” I gasped seeing Toshiro had his tail wrapped around me but his hands were on my shoulders. “Sorry… when you said Naraku I remembered that demon.” 

Toshiro eyes widen in shock. “Naraku… did you see what he looked like?” “No he was being my friend but I knew or sensed it wasn’t my true friend.” “I see… he did that with my friend but I was betrayed and he left my village in destruction. I was close to her… but he killed her in order to get close to me.” “Why?” “I am a powerful demon… plus my parents believed I killed my wife. She was to be my wife in our dragon culture we bite the ones we love and leave that mark. 

But I never bit her but we were very close. Sara… she was the only thing that kept me alive.” Toshiro loved someone here and yet now Naraku ruined it. “Unforgiveable! I won’t let him win… I know I am not myself but I can’t forgive someone who hurt you.” Toshiro moved his wings around me moving his arms against my back. “Thank you…Brittany you are so kind. Sara would have said the same words even if she died for me.” He said in my ear softly. “Toshiro…” 

Kagome ran in the hut panting with loss of her own breath. “Kagome…chan?” “Brittany we been worried sick!” “I am sure she came from your world… you both have weird clothes.” “T—Toshiro?!” “I am not the same one you think of… I am a dragon demon.” Kagome saw the wings and tail. “Y-You’re right he isn’t a demon… but what kind of world is this?” 

“It’s probably not the same time as yours I am sure.” Kagome knew the way he was talking couldn’t be the same Toshiro. But… what kind of timeline is this? She couldn’t let me stay here… she must take me back. “Come on!” Kagome grabbed my arm feeling Toshiro grab her arm with his claws. 

“Let her go!” I gasped seeing Toshiro eyes were a diamond like shape and his fangs were showing a little. Kagome winced in pain feeling his claws were sharp. “It…hurts.” “Toshiro wait!” Toshiro looked at me worried. He felt strange he didn’t want me to go… “I don’t want you to go.” Kagome looked at Toshiro knowing this isn’t the real one. But his feelings are the same…What is going on here? She asked herself staring at us both. I was worried but my heart was beating fast at those words. Toshiro…kun. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Inuyasha Chapter 1-The Well Across Time

I had dreams of my past, of a world that is not like my own. The world was back in the old era, with demons killing humans and some demons were good. Others...were bad they were after a jewel of four souls. The Shiko No Tama. Shikon Jewel... the one jewel that has caused everyone to be at war.... "Brittany wake up!" Kagome yelled hitting me on the head with a book.

 I sat up rubbing my head. "O-Ow..." I started to cry. "That hurt."  "You were talking in your sleep about that stupid shiko no tama crap." She glared at her Grandpa standing outside with the broom. "Telling you stories that is fake..." "Now let's go." She said in a grumpy voice. "Kagome..." I got ready putting on my school uniform. 

The shirt was long sleeve with green and a white stripe near the wrist, with a red bow in the middle of the shirt with the same design as the wrist that was on my shoulder. The skirt was green but I added white leg stockings to go with it. I ran outside with my blonde hair shining in the sun light. Kagome grabbed my hand running down the stairs. She lived at a shrine, I lost my family in the fire and they saved me so I lived with them here. My family were well known here and everyone was kind to me... but I also have a friend here. His name was Toshiro Hitsugaya. "Toshiro!" 

He waited leaning against the wall at the entrance. "What took you two so long?" Kagome pointed to me. "She over slept." Kagome ran inside the entrance seeing her friends. Toshiro smiled at me. "Ready to go?" "Yes." I grabbed his hand. He moved his lips up to my head gently. My face turned red hearing people whisper. “Ignore them.”  

We left inside the building to go to class. The classes were slow I got a few classes with Toshiro but girls were jealous so they ask how to get close to him. “You’re so lucky he talks to you!” “Yeah I bet she has done something for him…” “Wonder what it was.” Toshiro glared at the girls talking to me. “Brittany I am ready to go.” I bowed to the girls. “See you later.” 

I ran past them over to Toshiro. “Toshiro you ready?” He nod his head moving his arm around my waist walking away from the girls. “W-What does he see in that girl?!” The girl asked sounding angry. “Got new fans again didn’t I?” “Yes seems they are jealous of us being together.” Toshiro left out of the school with me. I still remember when I met Toshiro everyone teased me. I was short than anybody else and they picked on me calling me the silent bird. 

“Look she’s so creepy!” “All she does is not saying anything what a creepy girl.” My tears formed in my eyes. Kagome stood up from her seat. “How can you live with yourselves? Don’t you guys have any shame?” “Why do you defend such a creepy girl?” A guy pointed at me with an angry look on his face. I cried not able to handle it anymore. Kagome ran up to me moving her arms around me.

 We were 5 years old when it happened and Kagome I met her as a child we played together but that same day I met Toshiro Hitsugaya. He also couldn’t stand seeing others pick on me because they saw I was weak. “You guys are so sickening! I can’t believe you are in this class.” Everyone was shocked they defend me against them. “I don’t… get it.” Kagome smiled at them. 

“Of, course not you don’t have a heart or kindness like her.” They hugged me with one arm. My tears seemed to fade away from those evil kids. After that day the kids didn’t bother me again they were afraid of Toshiro. But I was happy to have friends. “You said about your dreams of a different world…” Toshiro said while we walked down the road. “Yes… it had demons in it and this jewel.” 

“That jewel Kagome hates but I heard of it from her Grandpa as well and I feel like it’s real.” “You do?” “It has to be if he interested in it.” “I agree! Kagome just won’t believe him no matter what.” He sighed walking through the city with me down to the stairs up to her shrine. “I have to go early since I have to practice my kendo.” “Oh that’s right you have kendo! I will practice my archery up here.” “Good luck.” He said with a smile on his face. 

“Thank you Toshiro…kun.” His face turned red looking away from me. “Alright, alright come on you need to go up there.” “I can’t leave unless you go first.” Toshiro gasped. I looked at the ground afraid to even walk away from him. But what if he wants me to? “Alright I will go fi—“ Toshiro moved his arms around me moving me up against his chest. “Brittany good night.” He said in my ear softly. Toshiro left afterwards with his hands in his pockets. 

I ran up the stairs hearing the voice from the well making me stop at the top of the stairs. What is that sound? I ran over to the doors opening it seeing no one was there. Toshiro sensed something was wrong turning around running to the shrine. I ran down the few stairs up to the well. I don’t hear it no more… but why? The top of the well blew off having a demon come out. “I finally can see you my child.” “What?” 

I asked feeling the demon grabbed me moving me down into the well. Toshiro ran in the room with the well seeing I was being pulled down. “Brittany!” He reached over the well for my hand. I tried to reach for Toshiro’s hand. “Too late.” Toshiro gasped seeing I disappeared and he was shocked. “B-Brittany…” “Toshiro what’s wrong?” Toshiro squeezed his fists feeling a few tears fall down his face. “I couldn’t…save her.” Kagome gasped running up to the well. 

“B-Brittany fell in there?” “I told you… that your Grandpa was telling the truth. I saw something take her something not real…” Kagome eyes widen in shock seeing the well had broken off and even I wasn’t that strong. “I was…foolish to leave her alone.” Toshiro hit the well falling on his knees he knew that he couldn’t follow. He loved me very much just to see me in fear and not able to help hurt him. “Brittany… I am sorry.” Kagome stared in shock scared that I was really gone. Brittany… where have you gone?