Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bleach:Hana Tomodachi Chapter 2-Yosuke

We left the soccer field to Haru’s house. I sensed a spirit close by seeing it was Yosuke and he ran up to me. “Bri-chan!” I hugged him gently smiling at Yosuke. Toshiro watched Yosuke seeing he was a whole. “Brittany… he is.” Haru smiled at Toshiro knowing he have to leave soon. “Don’t worry Toshiro-kun he won’t change.” Karin blinked her eyes watching me and Yosuke. 

“Brittany, since when can you see spirits?” “For a while… a long time.” Karin gasped looking at Toshiro. “Yes, she knows I’m a soul reaper way long before I met you.” “H—How long ago?! I know Brittany for a long time!” “I met her coming here back when your brother first left. I kept visiting then and we became closer.” “S-So that’s why she was naked… you tw—“ 

Toshiro growled walking up to me. “You should stay out of people’s business you’re too annoying.” Karin smiled looking at Toshiro and I watching Toshiro smile. “They seem like the perfect couple don’t they?” Haru asked smiling at Karin. “Yes… Brittany is happy that makes me happy. She been… crying a lot at night and I had to come over to check why I was there this morning but to find Toshiro only wearing his pants!” Haru laughed looking at Karin. “He is no child.” 

“She is not pregnant so don’t even think about that.” Karin face turned red. “I wasn’t! For a child your very perverted…” “I am not a child!” He yelled looking at Karin angry. Yosuke smiled watching Toshiro. “Yosuke, this is Toshiro Hitsugaya he is my friend.” “Just…friend?” Toshiro asked sounding annoyed. “Toshiro is your boyfriend right?” 

My face turned red hearing Yosuke call him that. Toshiro blushed a lot moving to sit down on the bench. “Brittany you should come try the candied beans they are very good.” “Really?!” I ran over to sit next to Toshiro. “How can you try them over there?” “Hmm?” Toshiro moved me on his lap. Karin gasped looking at Toshiro and me. “Toshiro, that isn’t good to show a little kid!” Yosuke blushed deeply watching us. “It’s okay Karin-chan… they are lovers after all.” 

Karin ate some candy while she tried to get rid of the image. “Sorry Karin-chan.” Haru smiled enjoying everyone company. Such young children and very sweet ones too but in the end they all will go. But Brittany… she be hurt the most. Once Toshiro has to go… We left her late when it was already dark out and the sky was black with white, shining stars. 

Toshiro walked by me with his hands in his pockets. Karin watched us wondering about Yosuke. “Toshiro, what about Yosuke?” Toshiro stopped looking at Karin. “That soul…you mean?” “Yes! Of course… just seems like he could change into a monster.” Toshiro looked at the ground. “Toshi…” I whispered softly knowing what Karin says is true that he could change. 

“Yes… if I don’t do a konso he will change. I can only watch over him I just hope its soon enough I can send him to the soul society.” Karin looked at me worried. “Brittany, be careful around Yosuke alright?” “She won’t be in any danger she be with me.” “Having sex I bet.” She grinned. “Why you…!” Karin ran off worried about Yosuke she has to make sure he is alright.

 I sat down with Toshiro on the grass watching the lake. Toshiro looked at me thinking of when he has to leave and see my face. It hurt him to have to leave… he has to make a decision. “Brittany, when I leave… I was wondering.” My heart began to beat him talking about leaving already and it’s been the second day. “NO! I don’t want you to go.” “B-Brittany…” 

I started to cry feeling my body shake. He… going away again. Toshiro moved me on top of his body while he looked into my eyes. “You didn’t let me finish…” My eyes widen in shock looking at Toshiro. He moved his hand through my hair slowly. “I said if I leave… I want you to come with me. If you like so you’re not alone anymore.” My tears fell down my face feeling they landed on Toshiro’s cheek. “Crying… again? I may need to get you some tissues.” 

He moved his lips up against mine gently. I moved my lips up against his happy that I could go. But would it be okay? We snuggled close to each other looking up at the sky. The cold air was at 12 degrees very cold but I could handle with Toshiro there. “We should get back.” He said moving his hand up to my face feeling I was very cold. 

“First a bath in the hot tub.” He picked me up in my arms taking me back to my home. I was shaking a lot feeling my body was very cold. “You silly girl you should of told me you were cold.” Toshiro moved me on the ground gently feeling how cold my skin was. I was shaking feeling very cold with my clothes being cold and no warmth. Toshiro grabbed my ribbon the back of my dress pulling it slowly, taking off my dress. “Brittany you need to get in the water.” 

I moved up to the hot tub slowly. “Not in your bra and underwear!” I giggled softly sticking my tongue out at Toshiro. Toshiro grinned looking at my tongue. “Do I have to lick your tongue to get you to take off all your clothes?” “N-No!” I grabbed my bra turning my back to Toshiro. Toshiro knew I still wasn’t used to him being here. But he wondered if I did really want to leave with him. “I’m sorry Toshiro I can’t….I can’t go with you after all since I am a human. 

You are happy there and you shouldn’t be sad for me.” I said moving my bra on the ground. “You should find a new girl to love.” He gasped staring at me in shock. “I will too here… our love will end when you leave to the Soul Society.” His body shook in shock thinking of being with someone else he couldn’t. The only person he loved, the only one he wanted was me. Why is she saying this? My tears fell from my face feeling hurt saying he should love someone else. I moved my hands up to my face shaking trying to hide my tears. But will that fool Toshiro? 

Toshiro moved behind me moving my hands away from my face. “Why, say such a thing…? When you really don’t want me to love someone else.” He kissed my neck gently moving his hands on my underwear. I panted slowly feeling his hands were warm and my tears they felt cold. Toshiro had taken off my underwear slowly. “You should get in the water.” “Y-Yes.” I wonder if Toshiro was angry I say that. “But first before you do…” 

I turned slowly looking at him. He moved his hand up to my face gently. “Do you really think I love someone else?” I shook my head no hoping he leave me but then I be sad lying to him. “I could see past your lies you do know that.” He whispered in my ear softly moving his mouth up against my neck. I moaned softly feeling he was sucking on my neck. He moved his hand down my chest slowly to near my pussy. “W-Wait… Toshi-kun.” 

He stopped looking at me. “Is it a bad time?” “No it’s not that… just if we do this here wouldn’t it be bad if someone walks in?” Karin drops her bags watching Toshiro and I. Toshiro looked at Karin in shock. “W-What are you doing here?!”My face was red trying to cover my body. Toshiro handed me a towel so I could cover my body. “I brought over dinner from our house. 

I know you guys were…well I didn’t think so soon.” She laughed nervously staring at us both. “Sorry…Karin-chan.” Toshiro smiled handing me my clothes. “Let’s eat first.” Karin smiled and nods her head. “let’s eat together!” I giggled softly looking at Toshiro. I am happy with the time we have but… if I leave Karin be unhappy right? I am sure she be happy here with her friends. I wonder what Grandma Haru would say. 

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