Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 1-The Dark Souls

In the Seireitei I lived with Toshiro and Rangiku being in his squad I learned from him and few others. I learned how to fight and how to kill hollows. I didn’t like it but… I had to do it to protect people. I had a daughter named Alice Hitsugaya she was in the academy but she learned also from us. “Ah, that took forever to finish.” 

Toshiro said feeling the heat from the summer rays come in his office. “Oh Toshiro I can help you.” “No the paperwork is all finished.” “I meant with the heat.” Toshiro got up out of his chair moving to lie down on his bed taking his robes off slowly so his chest showed. He put his haori down on the ground gently. “Alright but I need to get back to work after this.” He lies on his bed moving on his stomach with his back showing. 

I moved my hands against his back using my energy to make them be cold. He laid his head down having his arms crossed in front of him. He tried to not moan though it felt good against his back which was very hot in the clothes and with the sun. I moved my hands against his back cooling him down with my hands being cold. “Brittany that feels good.” 

“Oh really? I only tried it because you said you liked it.” He smiled looking at me while he turned to lie on his back. “I did say that and I am glad you do this for me.” He felt like his body was very hot from feeling the cold on his back. It felt very good but he rather had me relax his body than anyone else. “Brittany, you can keep going…” 

But the last time I did we ended up kissing and…then had sex. My hands moved up against his chest rubbing slowly down to his stomach. Toshiro moaned softly feeling it was close to his lower body. “Um…excuse me.” Renji had come in the office seeing us on the bed. “I am sorry for interrupting but we have a mission for you Miss Haku.” 

I stopped rubbing his chest looking at Renji. “A…mission?” I looked at the papers hearing they lost squad members in the world of the living and we don’t know why. “I want you to check it out and if it’s too dangerous to come back we can send someone else.” Toshiro moved his robes back on his shoulders. “Just you had to come when I was getting a massage.” “Sorry Captain Hitsugaya just it came in…I let you continue but this is important.” 

“I will go and don’t worry Toshiro I will be back to continue.” Renji face was red the thought of seeing them do that again. Must, feel nice having such a massage on such a hot summer day. I left outside to a gate that I opened while I said my goodbyes to Toshiro. “If you need my help just contact me by soul phone and I will be there.” “I will Toshiro I promise.” He moved his arms around me moving his lips up to my head. “Be careful okay?” 

My heart was beating in my chest of hearing him say that. We always leave together but this time I was going in alone. “Toshiro, don’t forget about me okay?” He grabbed my shoulders gently. “I never do that! Why would you say that?” I looked away from him with tears in my eyes. He grabbed my face with both of his hands turning my face so I see his face. 

“Brittany I never forget the one person I love. The one person I been searching for and you are that one girl I will wait to return.” “T-Toshiro…” “I am not going anywhere.” He whispered in my ear softly. I cried with tears falling down both sides of my face. Toshiro moved his tongue in my mouth gently closing his eyes. I closed my eyes holding onto his back while I kissed him. “I will see you again.” Toshiro moved his mouth away from mine. 

I turned to face the gate feeling not scared now that Toshiro had trust in me. I won’t let Toshiro down… I won’t! I ran in the gate seeing it close after I was inside. Toshiro smiled walking back to his office. “Now, to finish up my paperwork but now my body is hot again.” Alice felt an uneasy feeling, a feeling of me in trouble. She got up from her seat. 

“Miss Alice?” “I have to go!” “I am sorry but you can’t go.” He said staring at her seriously. “You can’t just leave… you are to stay in class that is Toshiro Hitsugaya’s orders.” “My Daddy told me I could leave whenever I need to.” He sighed watching Alice. 

He knew she sensed something was wrong but to tell her it was nothing. “Alright go see him…but come back alright?” Alice ran out of the room to go find her Dad. Daddy…Mommy I see darkness and despair. I can’t let you see it. But I have to warn you Daddy… 

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