Monday, January 9, 2012

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 10-Shota

We returned back to Orihime’s place while I healed both Rangiku’s and Momo’s wounds. Toshiro sat waiting for me in the other room. I finished healing their wounds letting them rest. Toshiro lay down on the bed feeling his wounds hurt but earlier when I licked his blood he felt happy. “Her tongue felt good…” “What felt good?” I asked smiling at Toshiro. 

His face turned red looking away. “It’s nothing really…” He had his shirt off having wounds on his chest and his back. “Toshiro you really got attacked… you should of let me help.” I moved next to him on the bed moving my lips up against his back. He sat still looking at the wall thinking. “I don’t want you to get hurt…I don’t want to see your blood not in front of my eyes.” 

“Toshi…kun I hated seeing you get hurt so it’s not fair that you get hurt!” He looked at me knowing I was hurt seeing him get hurt right in front of my eyes. “I am very sorry Brittany… I never meant you to see me get hurt.” He moved his hand up against my face gently. I moved my body to sit in front of him. Toshiro grabbed my hands moving to lay down with me on top of him. “Toshi-kun?” He moved his tongue against my neck slowly. “T-Toshi… wait.” 

He stopped looking at me. “I got your blood on my face. He noticed blood was on my face. “S-Sorry…” I kissed his wound sealing the wound closed while moving some bandages around his chest. “Now don’t move too much okay?” He smiled nodding his head slowly. “Yes nurse Brittany-chan.” My face turned red thinking of being his nurse. 

I remember us doing this before… but last time his energy wasn’t controlled if we do it again. “Toshi you sure?” He nod his head moving his pants down slowly. I moved his boxers down seeing his penis. My face turned red just looking at it. Toshiro watched me waiting for me while he closed his eyes remembering the pleasure he had before.

 I lay down in front of him moving my tongue against his penis slowly. He grabbed his blanket tightly, moving his head back. I heard his moaning moving my mouth on his penis slowly sucking. He gasped feeling his body was getting hotter. He couldn’t take it no more. “Wait.” I stopped moving my mouth away. Toshiro had moved me on my back with him in front of me.

 “Toshi…kun.” He smiled moving in slowly feeling It was very tight. I winced in pain feeling I was bleeding a little from his push inside me. “Brittany I’m sorry.” He pushed in a little more feeling it was very tight. “It’s okay… you can keep going.” I moved my arms around him feeling his back was warm. Toshiro smiled moving in and out slowly feeling he was reaching closer to near my womb. I can feel her inside me…it feels good yet, I want to go in deeper.

 I want to cum inside her… I looked at Toshiro feeling my body was getting used to it. “Brittany, do you want me to stop?” I shook my head moving my hands up to his face. Toshiro moved down kissing me on my lips softly. He moved a little faster inside me feeling he pushed through my womb. I moaned out loud feeling he went through while my body was very warm. 

He closed his eyes feeling he had to cum soon. “Brittany…I need to cum soon.” “You can do it inside me.” He gasped afraid he could get her pregnant. “But, you could have my child.” “I want to share your child…I want to be with you Toshiro.” He smiled looking at me. “Alright.” He moved a little faster feeling his cum went inside my womb while he moaned softly feeling he filled me up. 

“I used too much.” I smiled touching my stomach with both hands. “It feels very warm.” Toshiro pulled out his penis slowly feeling he made a mess on the bed. “Seems like I made a mess.” I got up slowly grabbing his hand. “Let’s go take a bath together okay?” We walked slowly in the bathroom trying to not wake anyone while I thought maybe if I did get pregnant I have to not fight but… would they be okay? I turned the water on waiting for it to be warm.

 “I won’t make you fight if you get pregnant I don’t want the child hurt.” “Oh I know when I told you to cum inside I knew I had to not fight.” I told him turning the water off. Toshiro moved in the water grabbing the body wash moving soap on his fingers. “Stand in front of me.” “O-Oh okay…” I felt uneasy with soap on his fingers. I moved in the water standing in front of him. 

“This may feel funny.” He moved his finger in my pussy with the soap on it. I moaned softly moving my hand over my mouth. He pulled his fingers out slowly. “There you go… all clean.” I panted a lot sitting down in front of him. “Toshi-kun, you’re so mean.” He smiled moving his arms around me slowly. “I had to clean you there now didn’t I?” 

“Yes but… you didn’t have to do that.” “You can wash mine next how about that?” My face was red just rubbing his penis. I turned to face him moving the body wash on my hands feeling like I could hurt him by just touching it. “It’s alright Brittany.” I moved my hands on his penis feeling it was pulsing inside.

 I rubbed my hands up and down his penis slowly. He moaned softly laying his head back feeling his penis was getting hard. Damn…not again! I stopped pouring water down on his penis. He felt he could control it since I stopped. “Seems that spot is very hard for you to control even now.” “Sorry just you seem to have good touch with my body.” He told me moving  a bucket of water to get some water from the bathtub.

 I sat still waiting for Toshiro while I smiled thinking of what our child look like. It’s too early for these thoughts. Toshiro poured water on my head slowly seeing my hair was long to my waist. She has such, beautiful hair… it’s like glowing with the water on her hair. He touched my hair gently moving his hand up in my hair. I felt shivers on my skin from him touching my hair. 

“Toshiro that tickles.” “I am sorry you got such beautiful hair.” “Thank you Toshiro you always thought my hair was pretty didn’t you?” Toshiro nod his head moving shampoo in my hair slowly. He felt how soft it was to touch my hair. 

I smiled closing my eyes slowly remembering us together and since we met. He finished washing my hair pouring water down on my head. I shook my head afterwards smiling at him. He smiled handing the bucket to me. I opened my eyes seeing that it was my turn to wash him. I grabbed the bucket moving water in it to pour on his hair slowly. 

“Which shampoo you want to use?” I looked around for his shampoo. Toshiro handed me the shampoo. “You use regular shampoo? But you’re hair always sticks up.” He smiles looking back at me. “My hair grew out this way.” He sat still waiting for me to wash his hair. His heart was beating in his chest. I moved the shampoo in his hair gently and slowly rubbing the soap in his hair. He sat still feeling my chest was against his back.

 That would usually annoy him if Rangiku got too close but, he felt my breast were a little bit bigger. I finished seeing his hair was all soapy seeing it was glowing. “Brittany, just don’t eat my hair.” He teased me thinking I be like Fufu. “I-I won’t!” I moved the bucket of water on his head watching the soap fall down his back, going down the drain. 

“There goes all the glowing soap.” “Glowing…soap?” He looked back at me with his hair was still shining from the soap. “U-Uh…its nothing.” I moved a cloth of soap against his back. He grabbed my hand with the cloth. “Use your hands.” I dropped the cloth moving my hands with soap against his back. He smiled sitting still feeling my hands always gave his body shivers. He didn’t know what it was, maybe it was a goddess behind him. 

Or an angel… Toshiro felt my hands move against his body giving him shivers he stood up on his feet. “Toshiro?” He looked back at me standing in the water looking down at me. I tried not to look at his penis looking up at him. My face was all red just thinking about it. “Is, my body too much?” “No… that’s not it.” He smiled down at me closing his eyes slowly. 

“Well if you want to get my legs…now be best time.” My heart raced just touching his legs, or putting soap on them. My hands moved up his legs with soap slowly. Toshiro closed his eyes feeling his heart wouldn’t’ stop beating. I finished pouring water on his legs. I moved up to his chest taking the bandages off slowly. “Now to get your chest.”  

Toshiro opened his eyes slowly looking down at me. “Do not worry about my wound it healed already.” I noticed his scar was gone and the wound was sealed shut like it never happened. “W-Whoa! Its magic…It’s gone Toshiro.” He smiled moving his hand on the back of my head. “All because of you. You healed me Brittany, with your power and I am alive because of you.” I rubbed the soap on his chest feeling my heart was beating so fast. 

Toshiro pulled me close feeling my chest did grow feeling I was very soft. “I haven’t washed your body yet have I?”I gasped noticing he has not put body wash on me. “Toshiro…it’s getting late.” He grabbed the bucket moving the water on his chest. “I can hurry.” He moved soap on his hands moving them on my breasts. 

I gasped feeling his hands on my breasts. I got shivers in my whole body just him touching them. He moved his hands up on my shoulders rubbing the soap down my arms slowly. “You’re very cute when you are all red.” My face got even more red thinking of him saying I was cute. “T-Toshiro…kun.” He rubbed the soap down my legs, slowly moving then around my back.

 I jumped feeling he grabbed my butt with his two hands. “T-Toshiro…” He moved his hands down the back of my legs slowly. “I think I need to do this often.” He heard my heart was beating very fast hearing my panting was fast as well. Toshiro poured the bucket of water on my body slowly. I gasped shaking feeling the soap fell down into the water. 

“All done. Shall we get out and rest?” “Y-Yes…” I got out with him letting the water drain feeling very tired and exhausted. We left the bathroom walking to our rooms with new clothes. I put on a blue bra with my under wear, there was a blue dress I had picked out to wear. Toshiro put on clothes having jean pants, with a black shirt. “Ah that feels better with a bath.” He lay down on the bed waiting for me to come lay beside him.

 I moved next to him laying my head on his chest. “Good night Brittany.” “Good night…Toshiro kun.” I closed my eyes dreaming of a peaceful dream with Toshiro. I was with him all that matters was that we could return safely… that’s all I wanted. But I saw a boy. He called out to find his sister. “Yui! Yui… where are you?” I shook in the dream seeing him run with tears down his face. 

“It’s all my fault… Yui please forgive me.” “Yui?” I woke up the next morning with sweat down my face. Toshiro was still asleep with his arm around me. I had to go to the park I can’t even sleep. I got up from the bed moving to grab a jacket. The air outside was cold since it was early in the morning. It was a little bit foggy but I could handle the cold being with Toshiro made me feel like this air was nothing. 

His energy was more cold then anything… it felt so deep that I could not breathe at first. But now I can breathe it in it like it was nothing. I ran over to the park seeing that boy that he ran in the forest. But where is it? I searched but never could find it. “Someone help!” I heard a voice hearing crashes and loud sounds close by. I gasped seeing the boy from my dreams. 

“Please help me!” He ran up to me moving behind me. I noticed a hollow running up to me. I called out my spirit body changing my clothes to my black robes with my pink, large bow in the back. “Please stay back okay?” I blew out snow at the hollow from my mouth. “D-Damn it!” The boy watched me seeing I was beautiful, like a snow angel. “I will protect you.” He blushed looking at me. “My name is Shota.” “Shota? It’s nice to meet you Shota, my name is Brittany Haku.” 

“Brittany…Haku.” Shota whispered hearing the hollow was running. I moved up in the air moving my sword down at the hollow turning it to ice. Shota gasped surprised at how strong I was. I landed on the ground turning to face Shota. He smiled running up to me. “Brittany-onee chan thank you!” He moved his arms around me hugging me gently. “Can, you please help me?” I looked down at him while I smiled. “Sure! What do you need help with Shota?” 

“My sister please help me! Her name is Yui and she has to still be here… I just can’t leave without her.” I knew that was the name of the girl from my dreams but, was she still alive? And the chain on their chest I never seen such a thing. Is, it them being a soul? Toshiro told me that souls are the job of Soul Reapers and we must protect them and send them to the Soul Society. “I will help you but Shota I need you to stay beside me okay?” Shota nod his head smiling at me. He seems to trust me…but why? Maybe I will ask the others for help. Toshiro-kun, what should I do? 

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