Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 12-Yui

Momo ran beside Shota running to the park in her gigai. She would protect him even give her life for a soul. She felt he just wants to do everything alone, just like how Toshiro use to do. He ask for no one not even Brittany he always want to show that he was stronger but he still needs me. 

Shota saw Yui at the swing all by herself. “Yui!” Momo ran after Shota hearing a hollow land behind him. “Shota!” Momo ate a soul candy coming out of her gigai while she grabbed him and Yui out of the way. “Damn soul reaper.” Momo swing her sword having a fire ball attack him. The hollow got hit landing on the ground. “You think I give up that easily?”

 He had another hollow appear from himself. Momo gasped seeing he multiplied. “W-What…is this?” She asked being shocked that she saw he was multiplying. Shota was shaking holding onto Yui. “Yui, everything will be alright.” “Shota…I’m scared.” Momo knew she couldn’t face two hollows and protect them both. Mina ran over to Shota and Yui standing in front of them. “Stay by me.” “Y-Yes…” Yui watched Momo seeing this girl looked like her. “Why are there two of them?” 

“I am not sure myself sister….” Momo looked at Mina happy that she moved over to them but even she can’t protect them forever. Momo wished someone would come… anyone. Shiro-chan. She hoped he had sensed but, since Brittany is having a fever he wouldn’t be able to come. “”Moeru Kaji!” Azumi yelled sending fire at the hollows that surrounded Momo. Momo gasped seeing two soul reapers in front of her. “S-Steven…and Azumi?” She asked in shock seeing them in front of her very eyes. Steven smiled waving his hand to Momo. 

Azumi smiled seeing the hollows were burning by her fire. “So, they can multiply huh?” She smiled having her hair in two pig tails. Her hair was red as the fire when she pulled out her sword. Momo knew they must of sent them from our last battle and thought we needed help. Ikkaku moved his spear cutting off the hollow’s head. “Momo, why didn’t you just come find us…you ruin all the fun.” “I-I had to protect the souls I can’t just leave them!”

 Yumechika smiled moving his sword stabbing the hollows at a time. “Momo, we all want to fight Ikkaku and I would have come to protect you. If you are so weak you can’t even protect two souls.” Momo looked down at the ground afraid that he is right. She…was weak she hasn’t fought in a long time. “Leave her alone you guys don’t understand!” Azumi landed on the ground with Momo. “Don’t worry about them okay?” Steven moved behind her hugging Momo from behind. 

“They don’t know how hard you worked to be here.” Momo started to cry turning her body so she faced Steven. Mina saw Momo was crying while she looked at Shota and Yui. “I feel bad for her…” “Yeah she helped us those chrome dome and old guy need to back off.” “What was that?” Ikkaku appeared behind him. Yumechika was next to Ikkaku. “I am not old!” 

Steven held Momo close smiling at her. Azumi sighed at Ikkaku and Yumechika. “You guys are hopeless… let’s go back.” My fever was rising up while I felt I was in a nightmare… it was cold, dark and I was in the Soul Society. There was a underground area in central 46 that I was walking up to. I followed to a door seeing Momo on the ground. “M-Momo-chan!” 

I ran up to her seeing her stomach was stabbed and blood was on my hands. Toshiro walked from behind me with his sword and it had blood on it. “T-Toshiro…why?” I got up standing on my feet seeing he was smiling on his face. “She got in the way.” My eyes were shocked that Toshiro would say this… he never say she was in the way. Toshiro moved the sword pointing it at me. “Now… your next.” This can’t be Toshiro he never do this to Momo or want me to die. 

“Why…? I thought you loved us. Why would you want to kill us?” Toshiro moved me on the ground sitting on my lap. “I will tell you why…very slowly so you can see.” He moved the sword on the ground next to me. “W-Wait… even if this is a dream.” He opened my shirt ripping it apart. “If I break you down you will fall apart just like Momo.” This isn’t Toshiro he was kind, strong and he never hurt Momo. “You’re not Toshiro! You’re a monster.”

 Toshiro smiled moving his hands on my chest. “If I am not…then why didn’t you attack me?” I was afraid to hurt Toshiro after all, I love him so much. This is a nightmare… that’s all it is. Toshiro grabbed my bra moving it up slowly. “I should make you see that you are not dealing with a soft, hearted Toshiro anymore. I am the real one and… I won’t stop till you are mine.” 

“Wait… no you can’t do that here.” Toshiro smiled moving his hands up on my chest. “I am sure you love me just touching you all the time. But I hate people like you.” He got up having the necklace that he gave me. “I really only wanted to show you how I think of this…” He had the heart break and shatter down on my stomach. 

“I never really loved you only wanted to use you… all those words I said were lies.” My eyes were shocked seeing the necklace was broken and what he was saying it hurt. “Toshi-kun…” “That name makes me sick.” He dropped the necklace moving to grab his sword. “I want you gone… just like Momo your nothing but a bother.”

 I sat up slowly seeing my tears fell from my face. “Toshiro… you’re lying.” He slashed his sword close by my face seeing he cut it a little. I gasped feeling my face was bleeding. “I can keep talking but better if I get rid of you now and all those memories.” I wanted to wake up from this dream but I couldn’t. I be running away from the truth Toshiro was… 

He moved the sword in my stomach. “Goodbye Brittany.” My eyes went blank while I fell on the ground next to Momo with drool down my lips feeling the truth was sinking inside my mind. Toshi…kun. Toshiro was shaking me seeing I was crying in my sleep with my eyes open but they were blank. “Brittany wake up please!” He called out my name trying to wake me up. He called for Unohana hoping he could get one of her squad down here. 

“I will send Emmy my best nurse here please wait.” “Yes I am sorry to call very late it’s very urgent.” “It’s alright I will send her right now.” Emmy came through the gate standing behind Toshiro. “I am here Captain.” Toshiro closed his phone moving to lay me down on the bed. “Seems like her mind been damaged.” Toshiro gasped looking at me feeling something was different. 

“Aizen may have found out she is here and sent her that nightmare.” Emmy moved her hands on my chest and she felt my heart was wounded. “She also has a wounded heart.” Toshiro moved his hand on my chest seeing my dream. He saw Aizen change from being him and he saw both Momo and me on the ground. “No… Aizen!” He was about to run when Emmy was shaking him. “Captain did you see?” “I-I did… she was wounded by Aizen and he was being me.” 

“I see so he used that nightmare dream… I can heal her but she needs to hear your voice and I can make her forget about this.” “I know something that she will remember.” Toshiro moved to lie down beside me moving his lips up to my ear. “Brittany, I love you all those things I said were wrong and… the necklace. Did he break it? I still have it in my hand.” 

He handed me the necklace with the heart necklace that was ice. I felt the necklace in my hand moving it up to my face seeing it wasn’t broken or destroyed. I sat up feeling my eyes returned to normal. “Oh captain you did it! That necklace must have been what he broke.” “Aizen… was trying to break us apart but I won’t let him. I must stay close to her now that he knows she is here.” 

He said looking at Emmy. “I will stay here in case he comes again.” Emmy said leaving out of the room. I looked at the necklace then at Toshiro. “Brittany…” I remember the dream so real, but I was in a different place. “T-Toshiro…” I hugged him feeling tears fall down my face. He moved my head on his lap moving to sit up. “Brittany, please do not cry I will not leave you. That dream was by an evil man named Aizen he did it so you would go against me.” 

“Aizen… I sensed something was different because Momo was.” He nod his head closing his eyes tightly. “That came true…he stabbed Momo and hurt her deeply. She loved him… worship him. I was the one who saw him hurt her and I lost against him but, I won’t let him break you down too.” Toshiro opened his eyes again. “Toshiro…” 

I felt his tear fall on my face seeing he was crying. He moved his hands around me feeling my face. “You won’t lose Toshiro-kun… I know you can beat him.” I smiled at him feeling he was lying on top of me. “I do too and I won’t let you have nightmares again.”

 Toshiro was shaking even laying on me he felt like he was afraid he lost me. Toshiro…kun that dream was scary, you weren’t good you were evil like a dark part of you. Aizen is a truly scary person. I don’t want to see that ever again… to be scared of someone you love. I never want to lose Toshiro. 

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