Saturday, January 28, 2012

Black Blood Brothers Chapter 1-The Princess {Hime}

“The princess is coming here?” Kain asked staring at Sei the lord dragon of the city. “I know what you’re thinking… why keep such an important person within the vampires? She is here to hide from someone who been after her since her parents died in that Hong Kong incident.” Sei said being in a child body he sat in a chair. His eyes were closed but he was a very old vampire. 

“So… where will she be staying?” A guy asked wearing a hat with his red, hair. His eyes were red also being the eight hundred vampire an old blood. “Zelman Clock you do have a younger brother yes?” Sei asked smiling at him. “I do. Is he her protector?” Sei nod his head looking at Zelman. “Give me him my message though… he lives far in the mountains right?” 

“Yes in one of our mansions but he isn’t in the city.” “Let him know just in case she gets here late.” Zelman left the room using his phone. He called Toshiro his brother who he does tease a lot but this be serious. “I guess my brother will be growing up today.” Toshiro heard his cell phone ring while he was lying on the couch. “Who be calling me…?” 

He picked up his phone opening it slowly to answer. “Sorry to wake you up… but Lord Dragon has someone he wants you to protect.” Toshiro sat up on the couch in shock. “W—Who would that be?!” Zelman smirked. “It’s a secret.” He hanged up closing his phone. Toshiro sighed getting up from the couch. He felt he hated Zelman sometimes he never tells him but who is it? 

Who would he have to protect? He left his house in the limo knowing he had to hurry to the city before whoever he has to protect be there. This city was for vampires and humans to co-exist together as one. Sei wished for us to live in peace but some vampires say that is rubbish. “Look at us vampires living by humans! We should take the city for ourselves…” “Doesn’t lord dragon notice everyone?” “I don’t think he will I mean… I heard a princess was coming.” 

“Princess…? She be good to eat even if we get killed it be the best!” My maid with me was going to go find Sei and she told me to wait here. But I love to explore but I shouldn’t have left… It was late when we arrived at night. I ran in the forest of the city not thinking if it be dangerous or not. Why would it be? No demons or monsters here just humans. I was told very little… 

My feet ran on the ground looking around all I saw were trees. I heard laughter from one of the bushes and my feet stopped. What was that? I asked looking behind me and around me. There was nothing but a few grasshoppers chirping. It was just… “Hello.” A guy appeared in front of me. I jumped landing on the ground. He blinked his eyes feeling bad he scared me. “You have such a nice scent.” My eyes widen knowing I didn’t put perfume on. Could it be true? 

Could vampires exist? No… they aren’t real but I always told they never are real. The guy smiled showing his fangs that were glowing from the moonlight. He…a v—vampire?! I got up running away from him trying to find my way out. “You can’t run forever…I can smell you.” He said laughing in an echo voice. I stopped panting running out of breath. 

I was too scared to run knowing if he was a vampire then he find me. “Give up already?” He was behind me moving me up against the tree. “Stop…please.” He smiled moving his fangs near my neck slowly. My eyes closed scared what will happen to me now… I was coming here and now I am going to die! The guy got hit into a wall by ice pinning him to a tree. 

My eyes opened quickly seeing the guy was against a tree by ice. “Are you alright Miss Shiya?” I ran over to behind him. He saw I was shaking afraid of the other guy which he understood why I should be. “Don’t be scared I may be like him but I have no intention of biting you.” “You bastard…stealing my food.” “your food…? I don’t think you know what you are touching. 

She is the princess of Shiya our most respected humans of us vampires one drip of her blood spilled by you low vampires and you get your head cut off.” The guy’s eyes widen in shock. “J—Just over a human?! You guys should kill her and enjoy the blood!” “I am not like you.” He saw Kain arrived next to him. “I will take care of him… you take the princess away.” “Yes.” 

He turned to face me moving his hands on my shoulders. “Are you okay?” “Yes…um I was supposed to wait but I…” He smiled knowing I must be curious but to not tell me anything was not a good idea. “Do not feel bad for leaving I be curious too but please stay by my side.” “Yes…um.” “Toshiro Clock is my name and Brittany Shiya we should go.” He held his hand out to me. It was white as snow and his hair was silver with his turquoise eyes.

 His smile was peaceful almost like he looked like a regular person. But in truth… he was like that guy. But he must be older or at least calm around my blood. I touched his hand leaving with him out of the forest away from Kain and that man. I knew Kain kill him for even touching me. Seems like my blood is delicious to vampire’s even old bloods. 

Though they seem to have better control…. I wonder where I go from here. Would I go somewhere safe? Or… somewhere I could die in the fangs of someone who wanted my blood? I didn’t know but I trusted Toshiro… I trusted him more than any other vampire. 

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