Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 8-Showdown!

Toshiro came back to the basement moving me on the ground. “So you were able to get her.” “Yes I know you have things to do… so I will return.” “Thank you.” Toshiro left back to the world of the living. He knew he would use my power for his evilness but he had to follow orders. The one he wanted to protect was now being used against the real Toshiro. 

I am sure he will see through it… Kenpachi walked with Toshiro down to the squad 12. “Seems we are here.” “Seems like it.” Steven stayed by Toshiro as for Momo they refused to leave. “I am sure Brittany is alright.” Toshiro looked worried feeling a uneasy feeling since a minute ago. He felt that I was here. “Let’s go in…” They ran in with Toshiro seeing Kageroza was with someone. 

“Kageroza it ends here!” He started to laugh watching Toshiro. “Captain Hitsugaya just admit you lost…” Toshiro grabbed his sword by its handle moving to pull it out. “I won’t stop until you are dead.” Kageroza looked at the girl. “Maybe you should go down there and tell him how you feel.” Momo eyes widen in shock seeing she had blonde hair like mine. “N—No…” Steven gasped looking shocked in his eyes. Kenpachi looked serious at Toshiro. “You have to fight.” 

Toshiro dropped the sword on the ground seeing it was me. “I think you could kill her right?” Kageroza smiled looking at Toshiro. My reigai landed on the ground smiling at Toshiro with my glowing, blue eyes. Toshiro was shaking feeling like he did this. When he let me go to the world of the living. He failed…me. “Attack aren’t you going to?” She asked sounding evil. Momo moved in front of Toshiro. “I won’t let you hurt Toshiro you imposter!” 

She laughed running at Momo moving her leg at her stomach. Momo gasped moving to the wall. Steven gasped looking at my reigai. “You’re in the way.” She moved her hand in Steven’s stomach. Toshiro gasped seeing Momo and Steven both hurt in front of his eyes. “I hate weaklings like you two…you always get in the way.” She kicked Steven next to where Momo was. “So weak…” Kenpachi smiled moving in front of Toshiro. “Why don’t you sit this one out?” 

“You’re just a barbarian.” She moved her fist at Kenpachi forcing him back into a wall. Toshiro gasped feeling my reigai was too strong. “I hate weaklings…didn’t I tell you?!” Kenpachi felt she was strong… stronger than the real one. Seems like I was the weak one…but I know she will come kill you. I ran outside feeling I sensed a tension in squad 12. What am I going to do? Toshiro…please wait! My reigai moved at Toshiro with her fist hitting in his stomach. Toshiro landed into the wall coughing out blood. “I thought you were going to kill me!” Toshiro got up slowly looking at the reigai. 

“No…I only kill Kageroza!” He moved his sword at my reigai. “You’re not…her! Stop pretending to be her.” She laughed kicking at his sword moving her hand up at his neck. “Of course I can’t stop… I am her reigai.” “You’re not nothing like her… she is sweet, kind… and.” “And what? Weak?!” She stabbed him in his stomach with her hand. “You think she is weak don’t you? 

That’s how you got close to her by being nice to her since she was weak and looking for someone to lean on.” She growled moving him into the wall. “I hate you! I wish you die already.” Toshiro coughed out blood feeling his wounds won’t stop bleeding. He can’t fight like this… but he has to for me. He moved his sword at her neck slowly. She jumped back letting his neck go. “You are very scary when you fight.” “Shut up already.” He ran at my reigai swinging his sword at her. She smiled dodging each attack. Kageroza smiled watching Toshiro. 

“He is almost at his weak point.” My reigai moved her hands at his sword feeling he was slowing down. I can’t keep this up… I am losing too much blood. “You’re  slowing down!” I moved in front of Toshiro moving my hand in my reigai’s stomach. She gasped feeling her heart got stabbed. “W—What?” Toshiro gasped seeing my hair was in two braids with ice ribbons in my hair and small bells on the ribbons. “B—Brittany?” Kageroza gasped looking at me. 

“That’s the…! Get away from her she will kill you.” He yelled looking at me angry. “Kori…no Hana.” Her body turned to ice. The reigai disappeared into dust falling on the ground. “Toshiro-kun!” I moved him on the ground gently creating a barrier around me. Kageroza growled biting his lip. “You bitch!” Yoruichi came in with the other captains. “We arrived just in time… Brittany you did great!” “Thank you Yoruichi-sama!” Soifon smiled walking next to Yoruichi. 

“You killed her in such a quick time our training was worth it I am proud of you.” “Thank you!” Toshiro smiled laying his head on my lap he felt it was his fault everyone got taken down. “I won’t be beaten by that girl… I planned it out.” “Seems like you forget Brittany doesn’t go down that easily… you thought the reigai was helping you did you?” Yoruichi smiled looking at Kageroza. “W—What do you mean? Of course he helped me! He brought her here.” Soifon looked at Yoruichi. 

“What do you mean?” “Soifon… his reigai loved her seeing her being used like that must of drove him mad.” Kageroza gasped remembering he left with the mod soul. “That… back stabber!” “You should know who he wants to protect.” Kageroza remembered asking Toshiro’s reigai. “That’s right… it was her. So he let her wake up but I still can bring her back! 

I will still get Nozomi and use her to bring my true power.” He laughed evil with his eyes looking scary. “He scary…” I whispered seeing he sent other captain reigai. “Brittany please hurry and heal them all we need back up.” “Yes lady Yoruichi!” I said moving my hands on Toshiro’s chest. Toshiro grabbed my hands shaking his head. “Kiss me.” My face turned red hearing him say it like that. “B—But… it’s too early.” “Not with your tongue just use you’re healing powers!”

 He blushed looking away from me. I grabbed his face moving my lips up against his gently. He gasped feeling his wound heal in a second. I moved Momo, Steven and Kenpachi next to Toshiro in my barrier. “Only heal me a little and don’t even kiss me.” I giggled softly not even thinking about kissing him. “Yes Captain Zaraki.” I touched his wounds feeling they healed. Kenpachi left the barrier moving next to Soifon. “I’m ready for battle.”

 Jyushiro looked at Kenpachi surprised. “Her healing has improved.” “Oh come on Jyushiro she been like that since we knew her…though young people do grow old.” I blushed a lot looking at Jyushiro and Kyoraku. “Enough talk let’s get ready!” I watched them get ready for battle I will have to hurry and heal the others but shouldn’t take long but… Momo, Steven and Toshiro should rest a bit before battling once again. I know my healing is well but I sense they been wounded by my reigai. I was weak… I should have never let myself be taken by Toshiro’s reigai. Sorry everyone… 

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