Friday, January 27, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 7-Nozomi and Reigai

I came back in the world of the living hearing voices coming from Urahara’s shop. “You pervert.” “I’m no pervert!” I opened the door running in the shop seeing a girl kick a stuffed animal we call Kon. “Bri-chan!” He ran up to me feeling someone step on his head. “I had a mod soul in Toshiro’s gigai so now I call him Fufu.” Urahara explained moving his finger up in front of him. “Serves you right you pervert.” Nozomi said with hate in her voice. “Hello!” 

I said bowing my head to her. “Oh, and hello to you too Fufu.” I said bowing my head to him. Fufu smiled bowing his head to me. Nozomi blushed looking at me feeling like I was an ice princess. So beautiful… “I’m Nozomi Kujo and what is your name?” She moved her hand out to me. “Brittany Haku is my name and nice to meet you.” I said moving my hand up to hers slowly. We shook hands while Kon looked up my skirt. “I can see your und—“ Fufu stepped on Kon roughly. “Did you have to make him like the real Toshiro?” Kon asked sounding weak. 

“Well, of course he knew you would try to spy on her any chance you got so he ordered me to watch her and Fufu will follow you anywhere you go Brittany so you’re safe.” My face turned red not like it’s any different Toshiro followed me everywhere. “Now you should both stay here since the reigai could come any moment.” “I wouldn’t want to be alone… not when I left Toshiro the real one.”

 Urahara looked at me shocked. “You mean…that Toshiro was the fake?” “Yes he um…” My face turned red feeling my stomach. Urahara looked at my stomach knowing that even as the fake he have feelings and he can’t stop those feelings. But why he attack her then? If he truly loved her… he never stab her. “But he couldn’t have… he stabbed you.” “He told me why… Kageroza Inaba told him to do it and he thought of him testing if he could or not. 

He wishes he never did but I never knew it was him since I didn’t have a clue.” “It’s alright Brittany… let’s just plan an attack if they come. The lieutenants are here while the captains the real ones, as you know are in the Soul Society.” “But Steven and Momo are still there.” “They will probably come here soon. I am sure Toshiro will want to defeat him with the captains not involving you or anyone else.” Urahara got up leaving the room. I knew he was right but still I have a uneasy feeling. 

Nozomi walked up to me. “You’re a soul reaper right?” She knew having all of them fight for her cause them to get hurt. “I want to fight but they told me to stay behind… can you help me? My zanpakuto… its name I don’t know but if you help I am sure I can do it.” “Sure I can help you! My captain helped me learn my zanpakuto to… let’s do it Nozomi-chan.” She nod her head grabbing my hand. We left to go to the forest away from the city so we cause no damage. 

I ate a soul candy coming out of my body and into my robes. Nozomi saw my robes were black with a skirt under my butt with a big, pink bow in the back. I had white, leg stockings up to my knees with small bells attached to it. The shoes I wore were waraji samurai shoes. Nozomi saw I look beautiful even in the robes. Nozomi changed into hers having the same as my robes with white, stockings up to her legs. “Nozomi-chan… you looks cute!” 

She blushed on her face holding onto her zanpakuto. “T-Thank you…” She pulled out her sword moving it in front of her. “I believe… my zanpakuto can absorb spiritual energy.” My eyes widen in shock hearing such amazing ability. “That’s so cool Nozomi-chan!” Nozomi face turned red hearing that I loved her zanpakuto. “Arazomeshigure is my zanpakuto name.” She stared at the sword thinking maybe now she knows the name she could call out to it. 

“I will attack you with everything I got okay?” I backed up from her pulling out my sword. “Bloom Kori No Hana!” Nozomi felt my energy was very strong. The grass turned to ice with a cold air in the sky she had to cover her lips. “Strong…” “I am ready Brittany-chan.” I ran at her with my sword releasing all my energy in one hit. The snow around my sword was going inside hers. Nozomi felt my power inside hers it was amazing. “I can hear it… my zanpakuto it is changing.” 

She noticed with just one hit I was able to change it. “That’s Brittany spiritual pressure… is she fighting someone?” “The reigai aren’t here so who could it be?” “A hollow?” Rangiku left appearing next to me. “Bri—“ She noticed Nozomi’s zanpakuto was glowing pink inside with the energy she had it had changed shape completely. All the lieutenants came after Rangiku. “Amazing…” Ikkaku smiled looking at me. “She was trained by the best even Nozomi is a beginner compared to Brittany.” Yumichika moved his hand through his hair. 

“I even wanted to fight her but then I mess up her beautiful face.” “She be the best soul reaper ever.” “Now you’re just saying that… you never seen her fight.” Ikkaku said. I felt a spiritual pressure all around causing the sky to crack. “N-No! It can’t be the reigai…” Ikkaku moved with Yumichika after the reigai near the park. “This is where he appear.” Kira and Hisagi both looked at me. “Brittany we want you to come with us.” “Right! Nozomi go back to Urahara’s alright?” 

Ichigo ran up to Nozomi and the others. “We will go meet the other reigai.” Rangiku left with the remaining lieutenants. I left with Kira and Hisagi. We waited in the sky seeing someone above us. “Hisagi look out!” I gasped seeing it was Toshiro as his reigai. My body started to shake. Toshiro stared at the three of us with a smile on his face. “Ah! So it was fate that we meet.” 

He looked at me his eyes changed he looked sad in his eyes. Kira looked at me seeing the reigai Toshiro wasn’t smiling no more. “What…is he doing?” “Remember Toshiro loves her so I bet it’s hard for him to attack.” He said pulling out his sword. Toshiro grins moving his sword at Hisagi’s. “Who said about me not being able to attack?” He looked at me his eyes were sad. “Well… then why don’t you attack her?!” Hisagi called out his sword having two weapons. “I won’t go easy on you… so let’s go!” Kira moved next to me seeing I was shaking. 

“I know he is Toshiro… but you have to attack. We can’t let them have Nozomi.” “They are after her?” “Yes… Kageroza wants her for a special or true power.” “Kageroza… seems very scary.” I said softly looking down feeling like we are powerless to do anything. Kira looked at me worried. “Don’t feel sad Britt—“ He noticed Hisagi got pushed back where I was. “You’re so weak! Maybe I should fight the girl just to see if she is stronger.” Toshiro said laughing at Hisagi. 

Hisagi looked at me. “Brittany I need your help!” Kira is right though I can’t love someone who isn’t really Toshiro. “I will do my best.” The chain on Toshiro’s zanpakuto was around me pulling me up to Toshiro. “Give her back!” Kira yelled. I felt the chain was around my arms and I was up against his chest. “R-Reigai Toshiro…” He held the end of the chain in his hands. Hisagi moved behind him moving his zanpakuto. 

Toshiro moved his foot at his zanpakuto while holding me in his right arm. “Too easy!” Kira called out his zanpakuto moving on the side moving his sword down at the chain. “I should cut this so you are free Brittany but… I may cut you in the process.” “Seems like they rather cut you down.” Toshiro said smiling at Kira and Hisagi while holding onto me. He moved away from them moving his lips up against my ear. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to trick you that day when you thought I was him I just couldn’t say no.” 

My eyes were in shock hearing what he was saying. “Brittany don’t listen to him!” Toshiro used his ice on Kira without even using his sword. “Shut up… you’re bothering me.” “Please don’t hurt them Toshiro!” He looked at me worried knowing he hates seeing me get hurt. “I am being this strong…only for you. I do have a mission but my goal is to protect you.” 

I looked at him shocked in my eyes. “Your goal…? But if you have a mission why would Kageroza let you have a goal?” “I got this power and my memories and feelings with it. I rather die protecting you… but I also must defeat them and you must understand.” “No… I don’t want you to hurt others.” He looked at me moving me behind him. “Stay here.” He jumped flying at Kira and Hisagi. “Now to deal with you two!” I gasped feeling the chains weren’t around me no more. 

He so fast… Kira got hit backwards feeling he was too strong. Hisagi landed in front of me. “Brittany don’t let his words confuse you! He is only after Nozomi only… not caring about you.” Toshiro kicked Hisagi away from me with his foot. Hisagi landed by Kira. Kira was shocked how fast he moved. We are in trouble! He thought to himself he knew I be no match for him. Toshiro moved in front of me facing the sword at Hisagi and Kira. “Who wants to play next?” 

My eyes were shocked on how strong he was… but he is protecting me from them. Kira looked at me then at Toshiro. “So, you do have a heart.” Toshiro moved his sword at Kira’s stomach. “I said that didn’t I? He gave us feelings and memories from the original but you are deaf aren’t you?” Hisagi gasped moving his sword at Toshiro. Toshiro grabbed his one zanpakuto pulling it very hard making Hisagi come at him. I gasped seeing Hisagi got stabbed also by Toshiro’s reigai. 

He just too strong for them both! Kira fell to the ground with Hisagi. “Toshiro…” He looked at me while he smiled. “They are so weak! I can’t believe th—“ I moved at Toshiro moving my hand at him. Toshiro dodged looking at me shocked. “Brittany…” “They are my friends… you’re not Toshiro. I won’t’ let you win!” My tears fell from my face feeling hurt just attacking his reigai. He said he protect me but… if that means seeing my friends get hurt. I couldn’t stand it! 

Toshiro moved up to me grabbing my hands. I gasped remembering he is too fast for me. “I won’t attack you… as I said I am to protect you.” “T—Toshiro… but that’s not right! You shouldn’t be protecting me and helping Kageroza.” Toshiro  moved his hand up to my head. I felt dizzy falling in his arms. “Toshiro…” He looked at me watching Kira and Hisagi. “She won’t be needing to see your faces again” He left away from them moving to open a gate. Kira opened his eyes slowly seeing I was in his arms. “B—Brittany… wake up you have to run.” 

He whispered feeling his wounds hurt so much. Hisagi growled feeling they failed. Toshiro looked back at them smiling at them. “You guys have lost.” He left inside the gate with me in his arm. Ichigo saw I left while his eyes were in shock. “N—No…” He hit his fists on the ground. Bri…chan she got taken away I should have had her with us! Nozomi watched me disappear while she knew she can’t let them take her. “Brittany…chan.” She whispered softly biting her lip. She won’t go with Kageroza not ever…nor she let me down! 

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