Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 11-Siblings

I walked with Shota back to the apartment seeing everyone was waiting for me. “W-Where did you go?” Momo hugged me having tears down her face. “Sorry I had to go out for a walk.” Momo pointed to Toshiro in the other room. “He woke up afraid you left and he went to find you but hasn’t come back yet.” “Toshiro…” Shota looked at me.

 “Is he your boyfriend? I wish I was your boyfriend so lucky.” “W-Who is that?” Momo asked looking at Shota. Shota blushed seeing Momo then he looked at Rangiku. “That old lady should go to sleep.” “O-Old lady?!” She moved over to Shota. “How dare you call me a old lady you brat!” She picks him up by his shirt. “I could do a konso on you right now.” 

“W-Wait Rangiku we should ask Toshiro first since he is the captain.” “Yeah Brittany-chan is right now put me down old hag.” Rangiku smiled moving Shota on his feet. “Old hag am I…?” She moved his face in her chest. “Bad naughty boy!” Momo smiled watching Rangiku. Toshiro opened the door hitting me on the ground. “Ow… that hurt.” Toshiro gasped seeing I was there and he walked in shutting the door. “Shiro-chan you should of knocked before opening the door.”

 Momo smiled at Toshiro. Shota looked at Toshiro seeing he helped me up. “I am sorry I heard your voice and saw you were here.” He had his arms around me holding me close. “So, that’s your boyfriend? Isn’t it just a kid though?” Shota asked feeling Rangiku dropped him on the ground. “Ow watch it old hag!” Rangiku eye twitch feeling she rather do a konso soon. “Captain, please let me do a konso on this brat.” Toshiro looked at Shota seeing he was a soul.

 “A soul?” I nod my head moving up to Shota. “He is searching for his sister Yui.” Toshiro stared at Shota then looks at me. Shota nod his head looking at the ground. “I want to make sure she…is here.” Toshiro smiled watching me. “Alright, I can help since Brittany wants to help.” “Thank you Toshi-kun!” Rangiku smiled moving up to me. “Brittany, let’s all go shopping I will take no for an answer.” I gasped looking at her shocked. “But…” 

“It’s fine the hollows or arrancars won’t come for a while.” Momo smiled looking at Shota. “I will watch you while they are gone.” Shota nod his head. Toshiro looked at Rangiku serious. “Watch over her as well.” “Toshiro, what are you talking about?” She asked moving to grab his arm. “You’re coming with us as well!” She dragged Toshiro and I out of the room. Momo waved her hand to them. “Shota do not worry we will find your sister Yui I promise.” 

“Thank you…um.” “Momo Hinamori is my name.”  Shota smiled at Momo happy he not left with that old hag. I ran outside with Toshiro and Rangiku. We ran to the mall which is one of the places my family owned. Rangiku smiled moving me up to Toshiro. “You two shop I am going alone.” She ran ahead of us. I looked at Toshiro with my face being red. He blushed walking with me holding onto my hand. We walked to the women’s area while I leaned closer to him. 

“Toshiro, can I look at those? I will be very fast.” Toshiro saw it was the bra and underwear area. “Y-Yes…we can.” He felt like he was in a forbidden area since he was a guy. I ran up to the bra seeing it was green and pink with stripes on it. “Aw! It has the watermelon we used to eat.” Toshiro gasped remembering that time with me was happy before he had to go. 

“I remember that too.” He saw underwear was matching while he looked away quickly. “We should hurry.” I grabbed some bra’s and underwear grabbing a basket. “Toshi-kun, you should get some clothes as well.” Toshiro face turned red on his cheeks. He noticed I was leading him to the men’s area. “Shouldn’t you get some clothes?” “I will later.” He stopped grabbing my hand leading us back. “You find clothes first.” “Okies Toshiro I will for you.” I found a yellow dress it had ruffles at the top, it had yellow flowers on the dress with ruffles at the bottom. 

“That one is cute but you should try them on.” “Can you come in with me?” Toshiro gasped moving close to my ear. “I can’t unless there is a room with two people for us.” I knew there must be a room here for us both. I picked some other dresses to walk up to the dressing room. “Hello, I came here to try on the clothes.” The girl at the desk gasped seeing me. 

“M-Miss Haku you can try them on and your boyfriend can come too.” Toshiro was hoping he wouldn’t have to but he has to be close to her in case the hollows come here. We left in the big room locking the door so I could try on the clothes. “Toshiro if it’s hard you can wait outside.” Toshiro sat down on the bench watching me in the mirror. “No…it would be if I just met you.” I had my clothes off taking my bra and underwear off. 

Toshiro gasped looking away with his face being red. “W-Why did you take all your clothes off?” “To try on the bra and underwear.” I moved the bra and underwear on turning around slowly looking at my butt. Toshiro got up off the bench moving behind me. “It looks very cute on you.” He moved his arms around me from behind me. “You think so?” Toshiro nod his head leaning his head up against my back. Toshiro felt how soft my skin was just like he did when we had sex. 

“You should try on the dress.” I gasped grabbing the dress putting on the blue dress seeing it was short on me but I hope Toshiro doesn’t mind. “It’s cute Toshiro!” He saw it on me with his face turning red. “I want to get this one!” “Alright, alright now try on the other ones.” “Yes sir!” I took the blue dress off trying on the other ones I got so many colors that I could be a rainbow with all my dresses. Toshiro liked them all so I thought to get them all.

 I put my clothes back on hearing Toshiro’s cell phone go off. He pulled it out of his pants looking to see a hollow. “Do not worry Brittany I can still stay since other soul reapers are around.” I moved the clothes in a basket taking it from the lady. “Thank you for watching it for me.” “Y-Your welcome Miss Haku.”  Toshiro followed after me to the men’s area. He looked at the clothes seeing I watched him. It made him nervous thinking of me watching him change. “Toshiro how about this one?” I showed him a black shirt with blue jeans and a green jacket. 

Toshiro smiled walking over to me moving his lips up to my head. “I love it.” My face blushed feeling his lips against my head. “Now I have to pick another outfit.” I helped him pick some out and we found some scarfs to go with his outfit. He did try them on but I sat there watching. I was nervous at the same time happy. He tried on the outfit I picked out for him. He even added a belt with the outfit. “How does it look?’ 

He turned to face me having his hand on the belt and his other in the pocket. He stood still watching my eyes with his own seeing I was bleeding from my nose. I covered my nose looking at him. “I-It looks good. I mean…its cute on you.” Toshiro smiled walking up to me moving to lick my blood. I gasped watching Toshiro licking my blood away. “You don’t need to be embarrassed.” 

“I-I’m not! I just…” He moved his lips up against mine tasting the blood was on his tongue. I taste my own blood… I kissed him back moving my arms around him. Toshiro smiled pulling away from my lips slowly. “We should let me change so you can see the rest.” “Yes you’re right or you be here all night.” Toshiro laughed softly moving to take off his clothes he tried on the black shirt with jeans and he had on a white, black scarf around his neck. 

“Looks so cool Toshiro-kun!” He smiled seeing I was drooling this time no nose bleed. “Well you’re drooling.” I gasped seeing Toshiro moved grabbing my face with his hands. “Silly girl… should I punish you for bleeding a drooling?” He licked my drool from my lips slowly. “Toshi…” He smiled moving up to his other outfits. “I did get more then you it seems…” 

“We can try them on later for you at the home.” Toshiro nod his head taking the clothes off to put his clothes back on. We left the room trying to find Rangiku and I saw she had fifteen bags for clothes. Toshiro glared at her with his eyes annoyed. “It’s okay Toshiro I am sure I can pay…” “No she has to pay with her own money.” We had paid for our things at the desk with bags in our hands. Toshiro smiled waving to the girl at the cash register. 

We left with Rangiku back home to show Momo the clothes. Shota ran up to me hugging around my waist. “Onee-chan!” Toshiro growled looking at Shota. “Since, when is she your sister?” “Since now you child. At least I don’t cling to her like some child pervert.” Toshiro shook his fists grabbing his sword. “Captain, I told you anger doesn’t solve anything.” 

“And, you shoving his face in your breast does?!” I laughed staring at Toshiro while thinking of Yui Shota’s sister. “Shota, you shouldn’t call people names it isn’t nice.” Shota knew he could listen to me since I was like an angel. “Yes… but my sister I am afraid she been killed.” Toshiro looked at Shota serious. “Killed…?” He nod his head slowly. I knew he meant a hollow may have killed her. But if that’s true… Then Yui was… I saw blood in my vision of a small girl calling for Shota. 

“Shota help me!” Toshiro saw I fainted with a high fever. “Onee-chan!” “Do not worry she just needs sleep.” Toshiro picked me up with my bags taking me in the other room. He lay me on the bed. “Maybe you should take her to the hotel we will watch things here.” “Are you sure?” He asked looking at Rangiku. “Of course.” 

Toshiro picked me up taking my clothes while he left to the hotel that was near the ocean close to my house but he knew they need space. “Ah, Captain Hitsugaya you have come.” “Thank you.” He knew this butler coming here a few times he had ran into him fighting hollows. He was the butler who had served the Haku family for a long time. He had lay me on a bed just for him and me. It was a big room with a king size bed. 

“I hope this helps you more better Captain Hitsugaya.” “You may call me by Toshiro Naku.” Naku smiled bowing his head to Toshiro. “Of course.” He left letting us be in peace. Yui walked to the park feeling she was close to this park because of her past. “Shota…where are you?” She asked looking around. “Shota…” Shota woke up hearing her voice. 

“Yui…” Momo sat up looking at Shota knowing he heard something and she did too. “Shota…” She has to make sure he is alright. Shota stared at Momo having tears down his face. “Please take me to her.” Momo nod her head standing up slowly. 

“Let’s go.” She picked him up leaving out of the apartment. Momo left with him not sure what could happen but she didn’t care. She wanted to help him she can see why I was happy to bring him back. Shota was scared and she needed to help him!

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