Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bleach:The Dark Moon Chapter 1-

The dark of the moon was a place where we monsters lived in peace, the hunters came to take that peace away why we fight them every full moon. Tomorrow was that full moon. Though it was always dark so we had to be ready when they come… “Rangiku-san, does this look alright?” I asked showing her my outfit. I had a white, dress down to under my butt with ruffles under the dress.

 I had poofy, shorts under the dress with white leg stockings up to my knees. My ears were bunny ears that were white as snow with my white tail. Rangiku wore a hate like what witches where with her dress. She had boots on with a cape in the back. “It looks very cute Brittany-chan!” She moved in the castle sitting at the table. Toshiro was already waiting moving his ears hearing us walk in the room. “Took you guys long enough.” He saw what I was wearing looking at my ears. 

“Captain?” He ran up to me wagging his tail back and forth. Rangiku knew Toshiro loved me even being in that form. “Captain…you’re like a horny dog.” “I’m not a dog!” He wagged his tail even more moving to jump up at me. I grabbed his hands seeing he jumped on top of me. Toshiro licked my neck feeling my skin tasted very sweet. “Captain the others will be coming so don’t do that here.” She grabbed him moving him off of me. “Leave me alone! They don’t care anyways… all you guys do is talk and we can’t even kiss because you have an issue with it!”

 I panted slowly looking at Toshiro grabbing my legs. “Besides… she already.” “B-Bri-chan… control yourself!” The others came while I sat on Toshiro’s lap feeling he was very warm. “Now we can begin the meeting.” “Um… Ichigo isn’t here.” Toshiro sighed moving his teeth near my neck. “Captain no!” She yelled. Everyone stared at us. 

Azumi smiled moving her black wings around her. “Such a horny little dog.” “What was that?” Toshiro moved me on the chair moving up to Azumi. “I said… y-o-u a-r-e a h-o-r-n-y… d-o-g.” She said slowly so everyone could hear. Uryu sighed being a vampire he needed blood but he hated the color red. It reminded him of a soul reaper. 

“Bri-chan you really shouldn’t let him do such things.” “I come back with Ichigo oh… and Jannie here too.” Jannie had a black tank top on with a black skirt, her belt was white with black boots. She had a guitar around her chest with the strap on her shoulder and around her back. “Jannie-chan, you’re a guitarist!” Jannie smiled seeing I was a bunny. 

“Aw, Bri-chan you’re so adorable.” I moved my bunny ears a little feeling my face turned red. I looked at Ichigo seeing he was frankenstein. “Ichigo…you’re.” “Yeah I feel so strange being here and all Bri-chan.” He saw all the others wondering who is who. “Toshiro?” “I told you it is Wolfman Hitsugaya.” “You never said that before!” “Forget it… you always called me by my name so why bother?” I took out a collar for Toshiro. 

“B-Bri…chan you shouldn’t give him such things!” “Why?” I asked looking at the collar which had his name on it. “I made it just for Toshiro-kun.” Steven smiled sitting by Momo in a chair having black, wolf ears with a black, tail his fur was black also with his eye color being brown. “Ichigo, you do realize she loves him right?” Steven asked smiling at him. 

“S-Steven you’re here too?” “Why wouldn’t I be?” Momo had cat ears with her tail while she was wearing a maid outfit that was blue with long, sleeves and a white aprin on the front. “He just doesn’t understand love at all right Steven?” “That’s right he doesn’t.” Steven moved his face up against Momo moving his tail back and forth. 

Momo blushed on her face rubbing her face against Steven’s face gently. “Nya!” Momo said having her voice start purring. Ichigo looked at them annoyed with his eyes looking like a cat’s eyes when they were diamonds. “Here you go.” I put the collar on Toshiro gently feeling his fur. “Soft…” My hands touched his chest feeling his fur slowly.

 Ichigo sighed watching Toshiro and I. “Whatever… Jannie let’s g—“ He gasped seeing she sat at the table grabbing a cookie shaped out of a black cat. “Not you too!” “Come on enjoy the food here… when do we ever get free food?” Ichigo knew she was right. He smiled walking up to Jannie. They sat down while  I moved with Toshiro back in his chair. “Alright… now to talk about the hunters.” Ichigo looked at Uryu surprised. “Hunters?” 

“Yes, they been trying to get rid of us every full moon because they fear us. So… it’s why we have to fight! We can’t let them hunt us down.” Uryu explained while he was feeling dizzy. “Oh! My cake…” I got up running into the other room where the kitchen was. “I don’t want to know what she is making…” Ichigo whispered. Toshiro ears moved a little. “Are you saying Brittany’s food taste bad?” “N-No! I just…” Jannie whispered in Ichigo’s ear. 

“You do know its Brittany making the food right?” Ichigo never had my food so he couldn’t answer that. “I never had her food but if she makes it like Orihime does then it’s bad.” Orihime giggled softly showing everyone her cookies. “I added sugar, eggs, bacon and meat inside but I put frosting on the cookies.” She said showing her cookies in front of her. 

“Want to try some?” Toshiro covered his nose and whined softly. “I love to try one Orihime.” Rangiku said reaching for the cookie. Uryu laid his head on the table. She going to eat that?! Momo sniffed the cookies  smelling it. “It smells funny.” She said moving her tail back and forth. “Don’t taste it Momo! I tried some to be considerate and…well…” 

He remembered trying some back in the world of the living his face was blue with the thought of trying some again. I came out with trays of cakes, cookies, muffins and pies of different kinds. “I made it all…please enjoy okay?” I said moving the plates down on the table. I saw Orihime’s cookies smelling them and I covered my nose. “O-Orihime… what is that?” “My cookies!” Toshiro grabbed the plate handing it to me. “Give it to the hunters…” 

Orihime cried seeing her cookies she tried her best. “Orihime-chan… it’s alright don’t cry you just need more practice.” Orihime knew she could learn from me. “Yes… thank you Brittany-chan.” I walked in the kitchen seeing the whole kitchen had small cats in it. “M-Momo…chan!” Momo got up running in the kitchen seeing her cats. “Oh seems they  are hungry.” Momo whispered asking me for some cat food. I gave her cats cat food lucky we had enough food to last us for a while. 

Toshiro walked in the kitchen seeing all the cats. He glared at them seeing they all meowed at him. “Cats….” “Toshi-kun hates cats doesn’t he?” He smiled looking at me sniffing around me. “What’s wrong?” “You smell like cats…” “O-Oh… sorry!” He hugged me tightly moving his arms around my back. “I can still love you even if you do smell like cat.” “Toshi…kun.” Hearts appeared above my head feeling I was very happy. 

He looked into my eyes moving his mouth up to my neck slowly sucking on the side of my neck gently. My face turned red feeling my whole body was getting shivers. “A—Ah… Toshi-kun!” Orihime sat next to Renji staring at him. “Aren’t you going to talk to Rukia?” “Why?” “You love her don’t you?” Renji face turned red wanting to talk to her but he didn’t want to mess it up. Rukia was a succubus with her tail moving behind her wear a black dress with black leg, stockings and her wings were red with her tail. 

“Renji, what are you talking about you don’t want to mess up?” Renji spit out his drink feeling if he told her. She want to kick his ass. “N-Nothing…” Orihime smiled moving to walk up to Uryu. “Beautiful night right Orihime?” “Yes it’s very lovely with everyone here.” Azumi left outside seeing Ren the guy she loved who joined to help us. He was a dark angel like her. Ren had his wings around her feeling her skin against his.

 Azumi smiled looking up at Ren’s eyes seeing they glowed in the moonlight.  She loved how he stared at her or how he talked to her in her ear. Such loving words… “I will fight for you Azumi.” “And I will fight for you too Ren.” She said moving her arms around his back. Momo brushed Steven’s hair with a comb feeling it was very soft almost like touching something that you wanted to snuggle with. 

“I should do your hair.” “And would you be adding ribbons in my hair?” He asked sounding nervous how he look afterwards. “Don’t worry you will look cute!” Jannie sang her song softly to everyone while lying on Ichigo’s lap while they sat on the floor. Everyone was happy with no war from the hunters we wished it stay forever… but nothing last forever I use to think. I knew that we win this battle someday. We won’t lose to the hunters! Not now… 

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