Monday, January 23, 2012

Bleach:StarS Warrior Chapter 1-New World

“Captain why do we have to go to the world of the living?” “I thought you be happy.” “I would but… you see I’m pregnant.” Toshiro spit out his tea seeing it was on his desk. “Great… now I have a pregnant lieutenant.” He said annoyed in his voice. “Sorry Captain…” Toshiro got up from his chair. “Fine… you do my work I be back in a week.” He left the room sliding the door. “A w-week?! Captain you said you just visit one day.” Toshiro smiled going to the front gate. 

He heard from reports of hollows appearing and menos that can’t be right. The gate opened slowly showing him the dark road of the dangai. “Here we go.” He left through the gate running down the road. Urahara saw a girl lying on his bed with bruises and scratches everywhere. “So, you found her near the forest like this?” “Yeah Mr.Urahara or hat n clogs.” “Just Urahara thank you. I am not going to touch her but Kon a different story.” He looked at Kon. 

“But….she an angel.”  Ichigo stepped on Kon with his foot. “She just a human!” He sensed I had energy like him maybe she like Orihime. “Seems like those hollows were after her energy but the Soul Society should turn up soon.” Toshiro opened the door standing behind Urahara. “Speak of the devil…” Urahara handed Toshiro a cup of tea. 

What is this about you talking about the Soul Society?” Ichigo pointed to me. “She was knocked out I saw her and brought her here but she has strong energy.” “A human girl?” Toshiro walked up to me moving his hand on my chest. “W-What are you doing?!” Toshiro ignored Ichigo sensing my energy was low and fading away. “She needs more energy.” Urahara looked at me and sensed that she was low. “Alright we will give her some energy.” “Take mine.” Ichigo said looking at Urahara seriously. Toshiro sat down next to me sensing I was resting and felt my energy was growing. 

“Wait!” He gasped feeling my energy was rising just by resting. “She…her energy is going up by just resting.” Urahara ran up to me sensing the same thing. Ichigo blinked his eyes looking at Urahara and Toshiro. “Is… that normal?” “Normally yes by resting we do recover but she is quickly recovering her energy at a fast rate.” Ichigo eyes widen in shock. “T-That is impossible!” Urahara looked at Toshiro. “You’re going to take her back aren’t you?” 

Toshiro knew he had to tell the Soul Society but their orders be up to them. “I will wait… though I don’t want them to know yet she doesn’t seem like a threat.” Urahara looked at Toshiro. “Seems like her charm works on you too.” “Don’t be stupid! I hate having to send in reports over something like this… we don’t even know where she came from or, who she is.” He looked away feeling his face turned red. Ichigo smiled. “I will go now my family must be worried.” “See ya Ichigo.”

 Ichigo left not sure what will happen but only we can do is wait. “Please Captain let the Soul Society know.” “Alright…” Toshiro opened his soul phone. He typed in the message sending it to squad 12. “There you go.” He put his phone away moving in his gigai. He wore a black, t-shirt with the collars fold back a bit. His pants were a blue, color with holes on his knees. “So, will you stay here? I need to go check something out…” 

“I got nowhere else to go.” He said looking at me. Urahara left the room sliding the door shut. If she is not human then the Soul Society wants to keep her there so she isn’t seen as a threat. I moaned in my sleep sitting up slowly with my eyes closed. Toshiro gasped seeing I woke up. “Food…” I opened my eyes slowly looking at Toshiro. My hair was down to my waist, the hair was pink with my blue eyes staring into his turquoise eyes. 

He blushed a lot on his face seeing I looked like a human nothing more. So she can’t be a threat. “Ah! You must be my friend.” “W-We haven’t met yet…” I hugged his waist rubbing my face against his lap. “My friend has woken me up by a kiss.” “I told you I did nothing! And…what a kiss?!” Urahara came back dropping the bags of food. “What’s going on?” Toshiro face turned red seeing I lay my head on his lap. “I don’t know she just called me her friend then… won’t stop about the kiss.” “Kiss?” Urahara smiled moving his fan in front of his lips. 

“Such a naughty soul reaper.” “Idiot! I didn’t kiss her.” My hearts appeared above my head while I held onto his pants. “Well seems she likes you a lot.” Toshiro face turned red just thinking of being alone with me. “Well… I think she is fine so I should leave.” “No don’t go!” I started to cry feeling my back hurt. Toshiro saw blood on the ground moving my shirt up. “Blood…” “So she was wounded.” They both saw the wounds on my body was all over. Toshiro laid me on my stomach. “Lie still alright?” He touched my wounds feeling I was shaking. 

“I won’t hurt you.” He used his ice using it to heal my wounds. It felt cold while my finger was in my mouth. I was so hungry I could just eat something. But what could I have? Toshiro finished healing my wounds moving me on my back. His eyes widen seeing my bra was pink with red, small hearts on them. “Go on Toshiro you should finish.” He moved my bra up seeing I had bruises all over my chest. “Fine.” He moved his hand on my chest feeling my heart was beating fast. 

My body felt funny with shivers of his ice healing me. It felt so cold… “C-Can I have food?” “After you heal first.” Urahara said looking at me serious. “Please… I want to show you something.” Toshiro stopped the healing my chest. I pulled my bra down and my shirt seeing a plate of watermelon. Toshiro watched the watermelon looking at me. He remembered eating with Momo but since she was with Steven all the time he had no one to share it with. 

I had my shirt up moving to grab the plate. Toshiro face turned red watching my wound. The watermelon taste very good and I had this before in my chibi form. Toshiro gasped seeing the wound was healed in a second. “F---Food heals you?!” Urahara smiled thinking I am not human after all. “Seems she isn’t human no food can do that.” Toshiro knew he had to tell the Soul Society. “I will go tell them right away.” He left to go on the roof seeing the moon was in the sky with the stars. “Hello, this is Captain Hitsugaya I have urgent news. 

The girl I told you about… she can heal by just eating food.” “That is very interesting.” A guy said from squad 12 sitting at the chair seeing Toshiro on his computer screen. “Yes I will tell the head captain myself.” He opened up a gate to the soul society. Urahara helped me up walking to go outside. “Going back?” “I will be back… I just need to let head captain know about all of this.” Urahara grabbed his hat afraid they research her. 

“My friend… please come back!” I started to cry moving my arm around his back. “I really love you.” Toshiro face turned red moving his hands on my shoulders. “My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya not friend.” “How cute!” I hugged him tightly feeling his heart beat fast in his chest. Urahara smiled watching us. “Young love… I wish I had it.” 

“HEY! This is not what it looks like.” He sighed looking at me. “What is your name?” I watched him seeing his eyes weren’t angry they seemed very happy. “My name is Brittany nice to meet you Toshiro-kun.” He smiled moving his hand out to me. “Nice to meet you as well.” I shook his hand watching him leave through the gate and hoped I can see him again. Toshiro-kun… I hope you will come back again. 

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