Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bleach:Hana Tomodachi Chapter 1-Old Friend

It was winter in the world of the living but last time I saw Toshiro was when he last was here for the arrancars. He left me here knowing I be safe. I waited for him even if I was to wait forever but it was lonely without him. I would always watch Karin play her games but today she said she had a replacement. But who was that? Ichigo? No… could it be Toshiro?! My heart beat very fast just saying his name. “So Toshiro, where are you going now?” 

“None of your business.” “Come on! We are friends aren’t we…?” Toshiro stopped looking at Karin. “We are not friends… I only helped because you asked and I got somewhere to be.” “Where would that be?” Toshiro looked at Karin. “None of your business.” Karin sighed. “Well I still want to know since Brittany been lonely lately.” Toshiro gasped looking at Karin. “She been asking me about you a lot and…” “Sorry I have to go.” 

He ran away from Karin running down the road wanting to just see me. I lie on the bed crying feeling lonely without him. It’s been so long! Toshiro came in the window moving in my room hearing my voice. “Toshiro…he won’t come since he and I are far away.” Toshiro sat on my bed moving to lie down next to me. “Who said I wouldn’t come to visit? I was coming but Karin kept me.” My eyes widened seeing Toshiro was next to me. “Toshiro… were you here?” 

“Just came by today I will be here for a while.” He moved his hands up to my face. “So no more crying alright?” I nod my head lying on his chest. He felt bad for leaving but it was urgent and it’s been a long time. Toshiro sat up slowly moving to grab my hands. “Toshiro, you want to go in the hot tub?” “Yes… like we use to when I visit.” My body moved with him to my hot tub that was in my house underground down in the basement.

 I had my swimsuit with me feeling Toshiro grab my swimsuit. “You don’t need that.” “B—But!” Toshiro took his clothes off moving in the hot tub slowly. “Are you still going to be nervous?” He asked looking at me with his eyes. I gasped feeling my towel drop and I moved in the water next to him feeling nervous. But why? We loved each other and it’s been so long! Toshiro moved his arm around me pulling me up to his chest. 

“It must have been so long since you were able to be close to me.” My eyes had tears in them hearing his voice and touching him was making me cry. “Yes… I could only sit here and hope you come but I knew that was just a dream.” “You don’t have to dream now.” He was right… I can finally be happy with him here once again. We sat in the tub next to each other wishing we could stay like this. “How long will you stay?” Toshiro lay next to me under my blanket holding me close to his chest. 

“A week at most.” “I see.” Toshiro opened his eyes looking at me. “It is quiet now that we beat a great evil, but I will have more free time now.” “I am glad Toshiro-kun.” He kissed me on my forehead gently. “I miss you though everyday was very stressful without seeing you or being with you.” My face turned red feeling I had school but Ichigo would walk me home in case a hollow came. My heart was beating very fast feeling his beat with mine. 

“I was too… at school but I remembered you being there.” Toshiro smiled moving his arms around me. “Toshi…kun.” He moved his hands against my back. “We should sleep… maybe we can go out together.” I nod my head closing my eyes feeling they were heavy. “Good night Toshiro Hitsugaya.” He gasped hearing I said his first and last name and he smiled. “Calling me…like that is making me very happy. I don’t know if I want you to sleep now.” 

“T-Toshi… we can’t have sex now.” He smiled closing his eyes. “Good night.” I fell asleep in his arms feeling very happy I won’t have a nightmare now. The next morning I heard voices and saw Karin was sitting next to me. “Morning Bri-chan!” “K-Karin?” She smiled moving her hands on my sides. “Hey! I told you to watch her not tickle her too death.” Toshiro came out with a towel on his head wearing a long sleeve, maroon shirt. He wore a black shirt with a white tie and tan pants. 

“I swear you’re like your brother never consider other people.” “My brother isn’t like that… just she so cute when she sleeps.” My face turned red moving the blanket covering my body. I was still naked from last night… Karin lifts up the blanket seeing I was naked. “W—What…?! Brittany you are bad sleeping naked.” Toshiro sighed moving the blanket on top of me. “Karin wait outside.” Karin sat on the porch wondering if he actually play with her team today.

 I put on a yellow dress with ruffles under the skirt. I had white stockings up to my legs with yellow boots with white fur on the boots. “You look beautiful… I don’t know if I can play with you looking so cute.” My face turned red looking at Toshiro. “T-Toshiro…” He smiled grabbing my hand. “Let’s go.” “Yes…” We got to the soccer field seeing the other team which they were in middle school, but I sat on the benches. Toshiro smiled giving me his maroon jacket. 

“Hold onto this okay?” “Yes Toshiro-kun.” “Mike, what’s wrong?” “That chick should be dating me not that midget…” Toshiro turned his head looking at Mike annoyed. “Toshi-kun…” He looked at Mike knowing he had no good intention just like Miku. My hands grabbed Toshiro’s face moving it slowly so he faces me. Mike eyes widen in shock. Karin smiled at Mike with a grin on her face. “Serves you right!” My lips were up against his gently. 

Toshiro face turned red moving his lips up against mine. “Thank you Brittany.” He almost lost his temper but he knows he can beat these guys and go home with me. He moved on the field with Karin and the others. I watched the game knowing Toshiro was the best team player. An elder lady walked up to the bench next to me. “Bri-chan I see you are smiling again… and I now know why.” “G-Grandma Haru…?” I gasped seeing she stood next to me. 

“Such a shocking face Bri-chan. You do know that I met Toshiro back in my past.” “Y—You have?” I was shocked she never mentioned him. “But, I never knew that…he was the one that you loved all this time. Forgive me Brittany…” “Haru….” “Good job Toshiro! We won once again and Mike I think you should get some help with learning how to play!” 

Mike fell on his knees angry he loses every time they get Toshiro. “Brittany, we should hurry back before…” He stopped seeing Haru standing by the bench. “Hello Toshiro it’s has been a while hasn’t it?” Toshiro smiled looking at Haru. “Grandma Haru…it has been.” I looked at Haru then at Toshiro. I remember her talking to me about a young soul reaper… so it was Toshiro. But if that’s so… I wonder when he met her.

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