Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 2-Darkness and Despair

Alice ran to squad 10 office with her breath all out of place. “D-Daddy…” Toshiro looked at Alice seeing she was worried and her breathing was fast. “Alice I told you to come home when your done with school.” “Mommy in danger!” He dropped his paint brush moving up to her. “Did you sense something?” “Mommy… will feel darkness like before.” 

“W-What do you mean? She left on a mission nothing will happen.” Alice knew her Dad was wrong, I was in danger. “If you won’t go then I will!” Toshiro grabbed Alice moving his fingers up to her head. “Alice… I am sorry to do this.” He used a spell to put her to sleep. Alice started to cry feeling she lose Mommy. “Daddy…” Toshiro knew that he sensed something but he has to trust that I will be alright.

 I ran out of the gate seeing I was in a forest. “I must sense for the other squad members.” The air felt cold like ice almost like it was… “No It can’t be!” I ran in the forest feeling the air got colder. Kira landed against the tree next to me with ice on his arm and on his feet. “Kira…” Kira looked at me feeling weak. His body shook in pain feeling he had to warn me. “B-Brittany…run.” My eyes widen in shock seeing who slashed down the last soul reaper. “So…I have to fight you.” My body was shaking seeing it was Toshiro his sword had the blood from the soul reapers. “Toshiro… why?” 

He smiled turning to face me with his sword pointing at me. This was like back when I was in the soul society and I ran to see Momo covered in her own blood but that Toshiro wasn’t real Aizen used his powers to make me see that. Could this be another dream? “Stop it… stop whoever doing this!” I yelled looking at the ground. “Who are you looking at?” Toshiro slashed his sword across my chest. I felt my robes cut feeling I was bleeding on my chest. He moved his sword up to his lips licking the blood slowly. 

“Taste just as I heard…very sweet.” I pulled out my sword having tears down my face. Toshiro stepped on my hand with his foot. “You’re too slow! I taught you to be quicker didn’t I?” He laughed softly seeing I was crying some more. This isn’t….Toshiro he never kill others. Never! I touched the ground having it turn to ice moving up to him with a crystal coming out of the ice. He jumped back landing near the tree. 

“What is this?” I moved my sword in my sheath moving up to Toshiro with tears down my face. It’s not him! It’s…not him! I ran up to him moving my hands at his chest. Ice came out freezing his arm and chest. He gasped seeing I looked serious in my eyes. “So you finally want to fight? I was waiting for you!” He moved his sword at my shoulder watching the blood hit his face. “I want you to be stronger…” “No…you’re not him!” He slashed at my legs and part of my face seeing my cheek started to bleed. 

“I knew you look good with blood all over your body.” I fell on my knees feeling it hurt too much my shoulder… “Now to finish…” He moved his sword up in the air. I got up running to the tree moving behind it. He moved in front of me stabbing me in the stomach with his sword. I coughed out blood feeling it was the same like last time… He pushed it in slowly. I gasped feeling it hurt so much I was shaking. 

“You’re a fool for running from me.” “T-Toshiro….” He pulled his sword out seeing I fell to the ground. He smiled watching me seeing my eyes were blank with tears down them. “I can’t believe how easy that was…I should have done it long time ago.” He walked away leaving to the soul society. Alice woke up feeling I was hurt she saw an image of me laying there in the rain by the tree in the forest. “Daddy I told you to leave!” 

“What, do you mean?” He asked looking at Alice. “Mommy is dead because of you!” Toshiro stood up from his chair looking at Alice shocked. “No…I believe in her. I know she will come back she has to.” “Daddy, I sensed her calling for you… but you won’t go.” She left the room upset with him holding back over believing in Mommy she needs you Daddy… My chest was glowing with a light blue color of a snow flake. 

Toshiro sensed my mark that I was calling out to him. Why didn’t he go? He believed in me so much that he was blind? He left the soul society in a gate leaving to the world of the living. Brittany hang on I’m coming! Orihime walked by the park sensing something was wrong and she noticed all the bodies of the soul society but what she sensed was me, my power it was calling out to someone. 

She walked behind a tree with her eyes shocked. “B-Brittany…chan!” She ran over to me helping me sit up. “Brittany-chan! Brittany chan…!” She started to cry feeling like I was dead the way my eyes looked. Urahara walked up behind Orihime. “Seems like a new enemy…though all I sense is Toshiro Hitsugaya’s spiritual pressure.” “No…he never do this to her! Never Mister Urahara he save her.” Orihime trusts Toshiro she knows that someone was being as Toshiro to make me feel this pain. 

“I can’t be sure but let’s take them back to my shop.” “Yes sir.” She helped carry me while Yoruichi helped carry the squad members back to his shop with Urahara. “I can’t believe it be him… but there must be something going on.” 

“You’re right and I want you to check it out.” Yoruichi smiled looking at Urahara. “Giving me orders now?” He smiled back looking at her. “But you are curious right?” She nods her head leaving to a gate to the soul society. Urahara knew something happened to me and he is going to find it out even if he has to keep me here. 

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