Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls chapter 6-Momo VS Brittany

My body was shaking hearing that he wasn’t the one there. “Brittany?” “He and I…” I knew it wasn’t Toshiro he acted like he wanted to go fast but he held back because he knew I notice the change. “That reigai and I had sex.” Toshiro gasped seeing Momo appeared next to them. “B-Brittany…chan?!” Momo asked shocked having blood on her face and on her sword. 

My tears fall down my face seeing Momo was a reigai. “H-How… could you.” I got up calling out my zanpakuto. “Bloom Kori no Hana!” I ran at Momo with my sword. Momo blocked the attack staring at me. “I-I didn’t mean to…! I was doing what Kageroza said.” My tears fell from my face knowing every reigai had their own reason and he was ordering them around. But… what about reigai Toshiro? Did he even follow orders?  

Momo was watching me with tears down her face. “Bri-chan believe me! I-I never wanted to hurt him…” “Liar! You hurt him… you hurt the very friend you had.” I moved my sword at hers feeling she moved away and we kept hitting swords. Toshiro watched me seeing I looked upset. “B-Brittany…” Momo used a spell having a spell attack me with a yellow, glowing four triangles in my stomach holding my arms in place. I turned the spell to ice shattering it into pieces. 

Momo gasped seeing that I was strong. “I-Impossible!”   “I won’t let you make Momo look bad… you imposter.” I ran at her moving my hands at her chest. Momo gasped trying to block my hands with her sword. Toshiro  got up slowly moving in front of me. “Brittany let me fight her.” Momo moved her sword at Toshiro. “Tobiume!” Momo fired her fire at the reigai Momo. “You guys alright?” Steven landed next to Toshiro and I. “Can, you even fight her Steven?” 

Toshiro asked seeing his nose was bleeding. “I thought so… you’re so predictable.” Toshiro said feeling his wounds were making it hard for him to see. “Toshiro-kun!” I felt his head move on my chest moving to sit down with his head on my lap. “We will handle this!” Momo ran at her reigai moving to slash her sword at the reigai Momo. “How dare you make Toshiro suffer!” 

Steven watched Toshiro wiping his blood with a tissue. “Aren’t you going to attack?’ Toshiro asked sounding weak from his wounds. “No… she is Momo I can’t hurt her.” Toshiro sighed wincing in pain. “Toshiro-kun!” He lay his head on my lap closing his eyes. Toshiro touched my hands moving them to his wound. “You can heal me I’m not dead.” He opened his eyes looking up at me. I moved my lips down to his stomach. Toshiro smiled moving his hand up to my head petting it softly.

 I healed his wounds on his stomach feeling like I couldn’t save him. “If only… I came with you.” Toshiro sat up slowly moving his hands up to my face. “You didn’t know that was the reigai… I am happy he could make you happy but next time we will do it and you can tell me what you like.” Steven face turned red covering his nose. “Will you control yourself?” “But onee-chan is so cute!” Momo used her Tobiume attacking the reigai sending her into the wall. 

We gasped seeing Momo came back having her zanpakuto put away. Momo reigai body faded away into dust leaving a red round ball. “That must be their core…” Steven picked it up looking at it. Momo looked at the soul candy. “I hope we can stop them before they get out of hand.” Steven smiled looking at Momo. “We will we just need to re-group.” 

Toshiro knew that he has to go after Kageroza but if he brought Brittany along he might be putting her in danger. “Brittany I want you to go back to the world of the living.” “But… you’re hurt.” Toshiro knew I be worried if he battled again he be hurt without her. “I don’t know what Kageroza’s plans are but I know he might be after you.” Momo knew I had a special power and Kageroza may want that. Steven also agreed that I be safe with the others.  

“Please onee-chan we will watch over Toshiro.” “Yes Bri-chan go back home.” My heart knew they were right but I had a feeling even there isn’t safe. “You’re right I will go back.” I opened the gate to my family the Haku’s. Toshiro knew he not be able to protect me there but he should have trust in Urahara. The gates opened while I looked back at them. 

Toshiro walked up to me. He moved his arm around my waist pulling me up to his. “Don’t look so sad you will see us again.” I stared up at his eyes seeing he smiled at me. “Oh wait…” I moved a blue ribbon around his wrist. “I can tell you apart then…” Toshiro looked at the ribbon smiling at me. “Thank you Brittany.” I left in the gate running down the dark road hoping he be alright. Toshiro-kun… please be safe. Please don’t’ ever lose that ribbon…. 

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